On demand manufacturing


韩国3D打印设备分销商HDChas announced that it has now become an official reseller ofSolukondepowdering systems.


Solukon全球销售总监Michael Sattler表示:“对安全后处理的需求的认识正在增加。”“我们很高兴HDC Co.成为韩国市场的值得信赖的合作伙伴,这将满足在那里自动化的增长需求。”

韩国首都首尔的中央区,从南桑山(Mt. Namsan)看。Zuk0摄于Flickr
Solukon’s distribution deal with HDC could provide it with improved access to the Korean market. Photo by zuk0, Flickr.

‘Smart Powder Recuperation’

Solukon总部位于德国奥格斯堡,专门研究其专有的智能粉末粉末或“ SPR”技术的制造系统。本质上,该公司的后处理方法涉及使用可调节的两轴物体旋转和靶向振动,以自动从3D打印零件中清除多余的粉末。

Since integrating the technology into its first machine back in 2015, Solukon has gone on to launch four more metal SPR-powered systems, and a further two plastic units too. The former, including theSFM-AT 200,300,800/-S1000-S, are designed to enable the safe post-processing of alloy 3D printed objects, at a size of up to 1,000mm or 800kg.

与它的SFP770SFP-E7machines, meanwhile, the firm markets two different polymer systems: one for unpacking and cleaning SLS printed parts, and another built specifically for laser sintering users, particularly those with anEOS P770系列

有趣的是,尽管Solukon仅开发了大多数机器,但它还是选择了partner with Siemens启动其最新的金属系统:SFM-AT800。通过这样做,该公司能够将其单位与西门子的模拟控制者和Sinamics Drives适合,并且公司的合作现在至少可以追溯到三年,直到Solukon设备安装在西门子’ ‘Digital Factory.’

在那个时候,Solukon的系统已经看到了航空航天行业的特殊需求,最初他们参与了CERN超级收费者的建设。该公司还不断更新其产品,为其SFM-AT200系统配备了超声波频率激发for tackling especially challenging parts, earlier this year.




So far, during 2021, the company has ramped up its expansion even further, first与Hasmak-T合作, a reseller in Turkey, before later agreeing to与英国零件清洁公司的涡轮增。在加拿大,Solukon也有selected Machine Tool Systems作为其首选分销商,并遵循与HDC的最新交易,该公司现在有可能在东南亚建立了立足点。

从HDC的角度来看,该协议可以将其添加到其作为供应商的角色中烧结,DWS,纳米尺寸,EOS和Vacuform机器。鉴于该公司的技术以前已经使用过3D print Launcher rocket parts,它现在将其与Solukon的合作伙伴关系成为有机会建立在优质客户的产品上,并允许他们创建比以前更好的零件。

HDC总裁Brian C.G.补充说:“多年来,HDC一直与AM行业的国际领导人合作。”SEO。“通过与Solukon合作,我们幸运的是,我们也能够为客户提供顶级的吸引力解决方案。”

诸如XJET SMART之类的机器越来越多地为用户为其他类型的3D打印零件提供自动化后处理解决方案。通过XJET图像。

Automated post-printing at scale

While Solukon prides itself on being the developer of the “world’s first automatic powder removal system,” the market is now full of automated machines that offer to finish various different types of printed part. Earlier this year,数字金属launched the DPS 1000这是为了处理粘合剂喷射组件而制造的,同时代表用户机械地回收未使用的粉末。

在SLA前部,PostProcess Technologieshas released its newDemi 910全栈树脂去除系统。专为与Carbon’sL1和M1 3D打印雷电竞app下载机,机器利用了公司的Submersed Vortex Cavitation提高用户后处理工作流的安全性和吞吐量的技术。



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Featured image shows the Central district of South Korea’s capital city Seoul, viewed from Mt. Namsan. Photo via zuk0, Flickr.