
Nexa3d的新Everlast-2膜提供“更大的功能定义” 3D打印

3D打印机制造商nexa3d已宣布在The The The Everlast Membrane的“下一代”版本发布快速+TCT 2021industry trade show.

与其前任一样,恰当地命名的“ Everlast-2”旨在提高印刷速度,表面表面和忠诚度,可以通过公司的实现NXE 4003D printer, but according to Nexa3D, it now features a “new-generation interface layer technology,” that enables it to “deliver enhanced printed part quality” to users in “all industries.”

Nexa3d的CGO Michele Marchesan解释说:“ Everlast-2是对客户的首选膜,他们更挑剔地实现更大的可打印性能而不会损害速度。”“ Everlast-2可以提供更大的特征定义和增强的整体零件平滑度。对于不想花费宝贵时间完成部分完成的客户,Everlast-2闪耀。”



According to Nexa3D, the Everlast also overcomes the constraints of traditional membrane technologies such as clouding, chemical instability and doming effects, while maintaining a consistent level of quality and offering “tremendous functional durability,” thus allowing users to establish a workflow in which “the 1000th produced part is identical to the first.”

Nexa3D在原始的成功之下,现在启动了Everlast-2,该everlast-2保留了相同的弹性属性,但据说也可以提供增强的零件质量。结果,NXE 400台装有膜的机器的表面细节水平比以前更高,使采用者可以实现光滑的零件而无需进行任何耗时的后处理。

Designed to be fully-compatible with NXE 400 workflows and print parameters, Nexa3D says that its new membrane ultimately lasts 25 times longer than conventional vats and trays, while leaving a “minimal carbon footprint,” and it’s therefore well-suited to “any customer wanting to enhance the smoothness and consistency of their products.”

Everlast-2现在可以通过公司的购买商店页面或授权的转售商网络,尽管原始产品将仍然适用于那些喜欢它的产品。欲了解更多信息,并查看新的膜,Rapid+TCT的与会者可以赶上Booth E7428的Nexa3d技术团队。

Nexa3d的“下一代” Everlast-2膜。
nexa3d’s ‘next-generation’ Everlast-2 Membrane. Image via Nexa3D.

NEXA3D的NXE 400投资组合

Since任命Avi统治as its CEO in 2019, Nexa3D has ramped up its activities, launching new machines, materials and softwares that it says “enable dramatic increases in the print speed of parts, and change the face of 3D printing.”

在这些新版本中,最重要的是其旗舰NXE 400 3D打印机,该系统由其专有润滑剂Subricant Subricant Sublayer Photo-Curing(LSPC)技术提供动力。该机器的275 x 155 x 400mm的构建量可以生产大型零件或较小组件的高吞吐量,并且已将其部署在所有方面通用工具F1 applications

自推出以来,该公司一直试图用许多兼容树脂来支持NXE 400,旨在帮助用户充分利用其机器。例如,在2021年5月,nexa3d与巴斯夫子公司前进生产三个新的光聚合物:X45天然,X45透明和X45黑色,用于外壳,外壳,管道和包装应用。

nexa3dcontinues to support the NXE 400 with new materials and accessories. Photo via Nexa3D.

与之合作亨克尔,该公司还推出了XPRO410和Xcast 3D打印树脂, which are specifically optimized for processing with its NXE400 system. The former is based on Henkel’s Loctite PRO410 polymer, while the latter is designed for the series production of precision metal investment casting patterns, but can also be used to produce small or large parts that address a wide variety of industries.


The xWASH’s launch closely followed the conclusion of the company’s latest funding round, which saw it筹集5500万美元的投资。当时,该公司表示,这笔资本将被重新部署以快速跟踪新的聚合物3D打印机和材料的商业化,因此,NXE 400现在可以付诸实践,以进一步增强。雷电竞app下载




特色图显示了Nexa3d的“下一代” Everlast-2膜。图像通过Nexa3d。

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