
评论:Lulzbot Taz主力军 - 毫无意义的大幅面3D打印机

3D打印行业reviews the LulzBot TAZ Workhorse 3D printer.

Designed by U.S.-based OEM Aleph Objects (now FAME 3D), theLulzbot Taz主力军是在开源Marlin固件上运行的大型FFF 3D打印机。桌面系统基于先前发布的TAZ 6但是,还提供了几项功能升级,使其与前身区分开来。Taz主力球的价格为2,950美元,主要针对的是专业人士,设计师和工程师,要求为车间寻求可靠的印刷引擎。

Defined by its unmistakable LulzBot open frame, the machine packs a build volume measuring 280 x 280 x 285mm, 14% larger than the TAZ 6. Users are provided with a removable borosilicate glass bed with a PEI coating on one side, which improves part adhesion. The maximum bed temperature clocks in at a respectable 120°C.

查看系统的单个打印头,我们有一个0.5mm的喷嘴,由高性能支持E3D Titan Aeroextruder. With a maximum hotend temperature of 290°C, the company claims the desktop system can 3D print a whole host of filaments such as ABS, Nylon, Polycarbonate, and TPU. On closer inspection, you might notice that the printhead’s external casing is 3D printed, making for an optimized geometry with reduced weight and 360° part cooling.

在连接性方面,用户可以在USB和SD之间进行选择(包括8GB SD卡)。3.2英寸的LCD屏幕虽然不是触摸屏,但可访问所有打印机的核心功能,例如灯丝加载和床位。顺便说一句,菜单导航是由旋转旋钮促进的,这给它带来了“核控制室”的感觉。

Lulzbot Taz Workhorse 3D打印机。通过Lulzbot的照片。
Lulzbot Taz Workhorse 3D打印机。通过Lulzbot的照片。


Lulzbot Taz的工作马包含了许多值得注意的设计考虑因素,即掩饰不公平。首先,值得一提的是,TAZ线与灯丝大小相对应违背现状,因此如果用户想在拆箱后开始打印2.85mm的丝。幸运的是,TAZ系列的另一个主食是可以轻松地交换系统的打印头的能力。



与TAZ 6相比,已重新设计了工作马的粉末涂层金属框架,以提供改进的稳定性,可利用具有自润滑的线性衬套的光滑钢棒,以提供出色的零件品质。除了加强的机械组件外,打印机中的电气元素还升级,这应该有助于延长其使用寿命。

与Lulzbot系列中的其他系统一样,主力也具有公司的标志性皮带驱动Z轴。尽管起初看起来似乎很古怪,但据报道,设计选择使打印机可以消除由“ Z-Wobble”引起的人工制品,这是弯曲螺纹杆的同义词。

Finally, the 3D printer features automatic bed leveling and a self-cleaning nozzle. While these aren’t exactly revolutionary on their own, the addition of LulzBot’s new proprietary X/Y/Z Backlash Compensation system might be. By measuring backlash using an internal calibration cube, the machine can compensate for any unwanted X/Y/Z shift during the automatic calibration process, improving dimensional precision and part surface quality.

Lulzbot Taz Workhorse的构建板。由3D打印行业摄。
Lulzbot Taz Workhorse的构建板。由3D打印行业摄。

Cura Lulzbot版切片机

LulzBot provides its free slicing software for use with all of its 3D printers. Based on the widely-used open-sourceUltimaker Cura, theLulzbot Edition Slicer是一个易于使用的程序,可为3D打印爱好者可能想要的一切提供一切,无论技术经验如何。


由于公司的开放材料性质,切片机带有许多现成的印刷配置文件。如果可能要求用户使用某些打印参数来修改,则Cura Lulzbot Edition提供了广泛的可自定义设置列表。这包括温度,打印速度,填充物,层,甚至是树状的支撑。


Cura Lulzbot Edition UI。图片由3D打印行业。
Cura Lulzbot Edition UI。图片由3D打印行业。

基准测试Lulzbot Taz主力

与往常一样,我们通过全面的3D打印机测试测试将Lulzbot Taz的工作马进行了节奏。我们以ABS中的3D印刷行业的内部基准测试模型开始了事情。我们使用基准测试模型合并了几个较小的测试,例如悬垂测试,缩回测试和桥接测试成一个固体部分。



We then looked at the bridging portion of the test, which involves printing horizontally into the void with no support structures. As such, the test is an excellent indicator of the extruder’s cooling system performance. Our horizontal structures started showing curves around the 35mm mark, a reasonably average result for systems in this price range.

3DPI基准测试模型 - 缩回测试。由3D打印行业摄。





最后,我们决定尝试一些PETG印刷品,这使我们有机会测试在Lulzbot的Cura Slicer上提供给我们的默认打印配置文件的功效。下面的型号是标准的3D台式,并且在打印机自己的SD卡上提供了测试文件。

The PETG print tests. Photos by 3D Printing Industry.
The PETG print tests. Photos by 3D Printing Industry.

Both parts came out exceptionally well with no stringing, surface defects, or warping issues. The layer lines are invisible, and the curved surfaces on both models are buttery smooth. This goes to show just how vital refinement is when it comes to print profiles, as 3D printing newcomers will be able to jump right in without worrying too much about the intricacies of various print parameters.


We’re happy to say we were pleasantly surprised with the LulzBot TAZ Workhorse. It handles high-temperature filaments with grace for an open frame machine, and the modularity of the system’s components lends itself to some good old-fashioned DIY tinkering.

However, this isn’t to say we didn’t run into some behind-the-scenes hurdles, as the auto-leveling feature failed on us a few times. This was because the nozzle scrubbers did not fully clean off all of the hardened oozing on the tip of the hotend. We also thought the LulzBot could do with some Wi-Fi functionality, a touchscreen, and maybe even a filament runout sensor for the price.

即便如此,专业级的印刷质量和较大的,健壮的床也可以提供无数的功能性聚合物组件。Lulzbot Slicer完成了它声称在软件方面所做的一切,而现成的打印配置文件将试用版带走了桌面3D打印。Lulzbot Taz的工作马是一个毫无意义的FFF系统,在研讨会中宾至如归。

Additional print tests on the LulzBot TAZ Workhorse. Photos by 3D Printing Industry.
Additional print tests on the LulzBot TAZ Workhorse. Photos by 3D Printing Industry.

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特色图显示了Lulzbot Taz Workhorse 3D打印机。通过Lulzbot的照片。