
TU Graz希望使用混凝土3D打印技术改造建筑领域

研究人员格拉斯工学大学(TU Graz)正在调查混凝土3D打印如何为建筑部门节省大量物质,同时削减CO2排放。


A team comprising architects and civil engineers from the University’s Institute of Structural Design has now turned to 3D printing to create concrete elements that are significantly lighter than conventional building slabs. They hope their work can help offset the detrimental effects of construction.

Tu Graz工程师Andreas Trummer说:“如果我们想用混凝土更具可持续性和对气候友好的建筑物,我们就必须使用新的混凝土配方进行研究,同时以更具针对性,更明智的方式使用混凝土。”

Robert Schmid,Andreas Trummer,Georg Hansemann和Christoph Holzinger,Tu Graz结构设计学院。通过Lunghammer -Tu Graz照片。
Robert Schmid,Andreas Trummer,Georg Hansemann和Christoph Holzinger,Tu Graz结构设计学院。通过Lunghammer - Tu Graz的照片。


For as long as concrete construction has been around, humans have relied on formwork such as casting molds to produce building elements. Thanks to 3D printing, for the first time in history, we now have a method of printing concrete walls in novel load-bearing geometries that would otherwise be impossible to fabricate. As well as enabling previously unseen building shapes, this can save significantly on both costs and lead times due to the lack of manual labor.

As TU Graz is now researching, concrete 3D printing also lends itself to material savings. For example, the team recently 3D printed concrete walls just 2cm thick, whereby the material was only extruded where it was needed according to load requirements. They’ve also recently 3D printed optimized recess units that can be used to create lighter concrete slabs.

研究了博士学位论文的田野,乔治·汉森曼(Georg Hansemann)补充说:“使用印刷的凹室单元,可以通过钢筋混凝土板制成,最多可节省40%的体积或50%的二氧化碳等效物。”

Andreas Trummer与研究所自己的混凝土3D打印机。通过Lunghammer -Tu Graz照片。
Andreas Trummer与该研究所自己的混凝土3D打印机一起使用。通过Lunghammer - Tu Graz的照片。

Tu Graz的现场项目

希望在实验室外利用他们的研究,Tu Graz团队最近在德国的Seehof Castle拥有首次“工业”体验,他们在那里为Atelierdach Art Project提供了3D打印的凹陷单元。

但是,他们的轻质混凝土元素第一次在实际的建筑工地条件下使用是在巴伐利亚州诺德林根的地下停车场的天花板。该项目在短短几周内完成,与建筑公司合作进行Eigner Bauunternehmung. Trummer’s research team is currently consulting for a similar project in Vorarlberg, Austria.

Trummer said, “This was a very valuable collaboration for us, because there are many subtleties that can only be recognized in the construction site process.”


One of the issues the team is still facing is reinforcing their printed concrete elements. Traditional concrete slabs are simply reinforced with rebars made of steel, but this is much harder when dealing with lightweight slabs with complex intersecting ribs.

To address the issue, the researchers are working with metal processing firmAlpenländische Veredelungs-Industrie为“未来城市”项目的一部分,专门针对3D印刷板开发新型的增援部队。在同一项目中,他们也正在与BOKUto iron out the logistical issues associated with pre-printed concrete elements, including the storage and transportation of the elements.

However, TU Graz has already succeeded in integrating filigree steel reinforcements into some of their more simple 3D printed concrete parts.


3D打印混凝土链中的花丝钢筋。通过Lunghammer -Tu Graz照片。
3D打印混凝土链中的花丝钢筋。通过Lunghammer - Tu Graz的照片。




Despite its extensive research activities, TU Graz isn’t the only institution investigating construction 3D printing. Earlier in May, a group of international researchers produced binder jet3D打印的地球聚合物结构,能够与结构混凝土竞争用于各种应用。该研究的主要目的是3D印刷Metakaolin,这是粘土矿物高岭石的一种脱氢形式,无需使用水泥。

在其他地方,来自南南技术大学(NTU新加坡)最近探索了recycled glass as a replacement for sand in concrete 3D printing,为环保建筑材料铺平道路。为了利用玻璃的未开发潜力,NTU团队创建了一个可回收的基于玻璃的混凝土混合物,并将其用于3D打印40厘米高的混凝土长凳。


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特色图片显示了Tu Graz结构设计研究所的Andreas Trummer,Georg Hansemann和Christoph Holzinger的Robert Schmid。通过Lunghammer - Tu Graz的照片。