


Pegasus Professor Sudipta Seal, interim chair of UCF’s Materials Science and Engineering program is looking at how metals can be extracted from Martian soil. Speaking about the project, Seal said,


正如我们所看到的那样美国的第一个3D印刷房屋。3D印刷混凝土结构也是荷兰公司Cybe的尝试。However, shipping concrete to Mars is obviously not a feasible option and therefore using the materials already in space to create structures is an active area of research. 3D Printing Industry took a look at one such project addressing the use of in situ materials for off world construction and计划将微波3D打印机带到月球

PT科学家合作与奥迪Lunar Quattro Rover合作。通过奥迪图像。
PT科学家合作与奥迪Lunar Quattro Rover合作。通过奥迪图像。

3D printing in space, the state of the art

空间中已经有3D打印机多亏了美国公司的美国公司。The company recently entered into an agreement with fellow space company Axiom Space. The partnership will use 3D printing to facilitate creation of thefirst privately owned Space Station

However, extracting metals from Martian soil is a whole new process to master. The process UCF and NASA are working on is known as ‘molten regolith electrolysis’. Regolith, aka moon dust, is in short supply on earth and while simulants exist these do not mirror the exact composition of the “soil” found on Mars or on the Moon. However,according to UCF, the refinement process is not too dissimilar to extracting metals here on earth

The University of Central Florida explains how this process would work. The astronauts would feed Martian soil (regolith) into a chamber which would be heated to approximately 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit (1648°C). This would produce oxygen and molten metal. Professor Sudipta Seal is helping NASA understand how the resulting metal could be used in a 3D printer.

为IAC的火星筹集任务。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。
Elon Musk explaining how he intends to finance the Mission to Mars at the IAC. Photo by Michael Petch.


不仅是NASA在寻找火星上的建筑物。阿拉伯联合酋长国还刚刚公布了他们在火星上建立殖民地的计划。该项目被称为火星2117,其时间范围比埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)计划在未来十年开始将人类送往火星。在接下来的40 - 100年中,马斯克希望在红色星球上发展100万人的殖民地。迪拜政府说,重点将是开发基础设施,以生产计划下一世纪到达火星之前所需的工程思维。

阿布扎比王储谢赫·穆罕默德·本·扎耶德(Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed)说,



3D打印行业will be attending this weeksAdditive Manufacturing for Defense, Aerospace and Space Conferenceto hear more about similar applications for 3D printing. Speakers at the event includeProfessor Moataz Attallah from the University of Birmingham,NASA的Raymond'Corky'Clinton博士和ESA的Tommaso Ghidini博士。领先的太空和航空航天公司的代表使用增材制造业,包括波音,雷电竞充值洛克希德·马丁,GE和BAE Systemswill also be giving presentations.

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