

3D印刷行业要求佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔(Jacksonville)的业务发展工程师贾斯汀·库格勒(Justin Kugler)关于太空中添加剂制造的未来计划。雷电竞充值

制作太空is most widely known for putting the first 3D printers on the International Space Station (ISS). The company have also developed the Archinaut system for orbital fabrication. Currently work is underway to advance the enterprises additive manufacturing, microgravity-enabled materials, and space-based services. As我们在本周早些时候报道,与Axiom Space合作的消息正在进行中:商业空间站背后的企业.

Made In Space testing their ZeroG 3D printer.
Made In Space testing their ZeroG 3D printer.

Three key areas for Axiom and Made In Space partnership

贾斯汀·库格勒(Justin Kugler)拥有学士学位来自德克萨斯A&M的航空航天工程专业,重点是飞行车辆动力学和硕士学位在大米的机械工程学中,重点是航空束和智能系统。库格勒(Kugler)曾与美国国家航空航天局(NASA)合作,并在国际ISS国家实验室(ISS National Lab)管理NGO。他告诉我,与Axiom Space的伙伴关系是:“still in the early stages, but we see three key areas of joint development。”

First, we can immediately provide services based on our ISS Additive Manufacturing Facility (AMF) for Axiom clients. One of the really interesting things we can do with AMF is print parts for experiments in-flight. This will help Axiom’s customers develop their own space research capability, in some cases without having to build new hardware, and make changes without waiting for resupply from the ground.


在2017年即将到来,将在太空制造“flying今年晚些时,作为概念证明。”库格勒说:“这是一种表述,我们有信心在陆层制造的异国纤维上具有出色的性能,以至于在当今市场上在经济上可行。我们预计将在2020年使用Axiom的第一个模块飞行光纤小型物质,这是从ISS上的Applied R&D转变为ISS的过渡到低地球轨道的商业生产。”

使用公理意味着“”exploring how we can add value to the Axiom commercial module by using our Archinaut in-space manufacturing technology to fabricate and assemble external structures, like payload platforms and antenna arrays, that won’t fit for launch。”

A Made in Space 3D printed tool on ISS.
A Made in Space 3D printed tool on ISS.

在太空中制造将使Axiom能够升级模块,而无需为核心系统增加开发风险。正如库格勒所说:“these all based on flight-proven integrated systems. Archinaut is currently in development through NASA’s Tipping Point Program and we expect to deliver a prototype with integrated robotics to NASA in 2018. A version that builds single extendable structures, like booms, will be ready later this year。”



Featured image shows a space station from the game Elite Dangerous.

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