

In this edition of our additive manufacturing research digest CrAMmed, we take a look at the latest developments from the academic world. The studies below include material development, life-improving surgery, and new inventions in 3D printing.


在一项名为“Coffee-based colloids for direct solar absorption,”研究人员在Politecnico di Torino,意大利,有显示了制造的可能性胶体基于具有光热特性的咖啡。

The colloids were made with Arabica coffee, distilled water, glycerol, and copper sulfate. The glycerol was added to make the colloid resistant to cold conditions and copper sulfate protects it against生物污染,即藻类和其他微生物的积累。

太阳能收集器从阳光中吸收热量,3D印刷以使用Stratasys维度精英。一种TPU-based external frame was also 3D printed using anUltimaker 3。该框架旨在保护收集器周围的硼硅酸盐玻璃框架。



Elsewhere, researchers fromTsinghua大学, Beijing, have devised a method to3D打印电子纤维在织物上。这项技术使制造e-textiles, such as smart clothes and wearables devices.

Tsinghua大学的化学教授Yingying Zhang,研究的合着者解释说:“我们使用配备了自制同轴喷嘴的3D打印机直接在纺织品上打印纤维,并证明它可以用于能量管理目的。”

“Our long-term goal is to design flexible, wearable hybrid materials and electronics with unprecedented properties and, at the same time, develop new techniques for the practical production of smart wearable systems with integrated functions, such as sensing, actuating, communicating, and so on.”

该研究发表在一篇题为“Printable Smart Pattern for Multifunctional Energy-Management E-Textile

In other advanced material related research, aStockholm University团队已经开发了3D printable hydrogel ink containing metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). Often naturally porous, MOFs are valuable to the field of biomedicine, e.g. creating drug delivering devices, and also for desalination purposes.

该研究发表在一种dvanced Functional Materials标题为“日记”CelloMOF: Nanocellulose Enabled 3D Printing of Metal–Organic Frameworks“,explains, “We have successfully introduced a new processability route of MOFs using 3D printing of TOCNF incorporated with ZIF-8 and MIL-100 (Fe), prototypical MOFs.”

The authors conclude, “We believe that this work provides a new proof-of-concept prospect for MOFs processing that is flexible, simple, fast, promising for large-scale production and for uptake and release of a variety of guest molecules.”

用ZIF-8和MIL-100制成的3D打印脚手架。通过Wiley-VCH Verlag图像。
用ZIF-8和MIL-100制成的3D打印脚手架。通过Wiley-VCH Verlag图像。

一种nd, at一种ichi Institute of Technology, Japan, researchers have evaluatednew method to test the tensile strength and degradation of mechanical properties of 3D printed PLA parts. Using a saline solution the team studied f我们不同的扫描:parallel, vertical, parallel-and-vertical, and cross-hatched. The 3D printed parts were also tested against PLA injection molded parts for comparison.

The full methodology is discusses in“评估由融合细丝制造3D打印机制造的聚(乳酸)结构的机械性能的恶化。”

Healthcare with additive precision

Oral drug delivery is one of the most convenient methods of medicinal drug intake. However, this mode still presents challenges, such as poor bioavailability of the intended drugs. Bioavailability is judged on the basis of溶解,渗透性和溶解度药物。

Scientists atUC Berkeley-UCSF礼来研究实验室have developed a micro-scale 3D printeddrug delivery system. It was fabricated with Eudragit polymers using drop-on-demand 3D printing and inkjet printing. The microdevices were then tested for stability and controlled release of drugs.

The study, printed as “Bottom-Up Fabrication of Multilayer Enteric Devices for the Oral
Delivery of Peptides“,concluded, “This approach represents a uniquely scalable and flexible strategy for microdevice fabrication that overcomes limitations in loading sensitive biologics and in the tuneability of device geometries that are inherent to traditional microfabrication strategies.”


In a case study from The Fourth People’s Hospital of Zigong, surgeons used 3D printed models of patient-specific pelvic models to assist in surgery. Findings show that,计算机设计与3D打印技术相结合,以制造适用于不稳定骨盆裂缝的个性化骨盆模型和导航模板,有助于准确地放置s骨螺钉,减少操作时间,术中失血,荧光镜检查时间,良好的等待时间,以便重量 - 等待时间 -轴承运动和功能,这是一种可选的外科手术治疗,可用于不稳定的骨折。” The findings are published in the paper, “Effectiveness analysis of three-dimensional printing assisted surgery for unstable pelvic fracture。”

对患者特定治疗和手术的兴趣也导致史Ortopedico Galeazzi‘s researchers to evaluate the efficiency of patient-specific 3D printed guide and free-hand techniques for pedicle screw implantation.一种ccording to a paper from this team, errors in pedicle screw positioning is one of the most common problems in spinal surgery. And further complications can be life-threatening or could lead to permanent neurological damage.



Medacta用Medacta打印的3D Myspine指南用于脊柱手术。通过Springer的图像。
Medacta用Medacta打印的3D Myspine指南用于脊柱手术。通过Springer的图像。


In3D‐Architected Soft Machines with Topologically Encoded Motion,Purdue University工程师创建了使用Voronoi Tessellation制造的低密度,3D打印的软机器人。

The tessellation enables the randomization of flexible lattices that Purdue Assistant Professor拉梅西斯·马丁内斯explains, “可以轻松地抓住或爬行等复杂动作。”他继续说:“这项工作构成了迈向自动且轻质软机器人的发展的一步。”

“ [架构的软机器]改变其身体配置和步态以适应各种环境的能力不仅有可能改善照顾,而且还可以改善灾难 - 响应机器人技术。”


3D architected soft machines. Image via Wiley.
3D architected soft machines. Image via Wiley.

Two French inventors,达纳金发女郎和劳伦特·朱佩have been granted a U.S. patent for a cloud-based software for rendering images into 3D objects.一种ccording to the patent description, “the present invention’s purpose is not to develop a 3D scanner but to use three dimensional parameters to recognize objects.”


Furthermore, the system uses a cloud server to construct the 3D model of an object. The images that are used are compared and matched with a database of 3D objects,a search “comparing the 3D points cloud reconstruction of the object with 3D points clouds of known objects stored in the 3D database.”

Blondel和Juppé的专利以“System and Method for Object Recognition

Rendering a 3D object from pictures. Image via United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Rendering a 3D object from pictures. Image via United States Patent and Trademark Office.

In another approved patent, German 3D printer manufacturerEOS拥有找到了一种控制金属粉末在粉末床融合机中传播的新方法。专利标题为“Optical Powder Spreadability Sensor and Methods for Powder-Based Additive Manufacturing“,描述“在增材制造过程中确定粉末材料扩散行为的一种设备和方法”。雷电竞充值

The description continues, “The method deposits a powder mound, moves a spreader to distribute a layer of powder over a build supported on a build area, operates an energy source to cast intercept the powder mound in the path of the source and onto an optical sensor during displacement of the powder mound, and analyzes an output of the optical sensor to identify features relating to the spreading behavior of the powder.”

将3D打印材料研究前进,分配专利波音公司披露了3D打印织物复合材料的方法。在 ”一种dditive Manufacturing Fiber Composites And Related Systems And Methods“一个复合材料与创新的光电材料混合,使其成为可能。


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