

Amable, 一个EU Horizon 2020 programmeaccelerating the adoption of additive manufacturing, is offering approximately €300,000 in funding to small and medium-sized enterprises (中小企业)在3D打印行业中。



Horizo​​n 2020由欧盟成立于2014年,旨在鼓励整个非洲大陆的研究创新。该计划预计将耗资约800亿欧元的资金来愿景聪明,可持续和包容的增长和工作。”

到目前为止,Horizo​​n 2020由几个增材制造项目资助。这包括雷电竞充值芭芭拉项目该公司在2017年获得了270万欧元,用于开发专门为FFF/FDM开发材料,以创建3D可打印的汽车和建筑原料。此外,欧盟授予370万欧元项目badge, 一个enterprise building a robot capable of drilling and 3D printing tunnels for gas supply, telecoms cables, and water pipes.

此外,通过Horizo​​n 2020,CELLINK’s丝绸联络项目received €350,000 in funding to genetically engineer platelets for “transfusion and drug research”.

欧盟Horizo​​n 2020 Vision的四个区域。图像通过Horizo​​n 2020


According toammotion, a consortium created to encourage the rapid uptake of 3D printing across the continent, the EU has currently allocated more than€250 millionto research & innovation projects focusing on 3D printing. Stemming from this vision is the AMable programme which aims to reinforce the uptake of additive manufacturing through collaboration. TheICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs(i4ms)也支持这一目标,作为扩大欧洲制造中小企业数字创新的计划。


As a result, AMable will finance businesses that use 3D printing in “Feasibility studies” and “Good Practices”, ranging from5,000 to60,000. This initiative will also set up a series of side benefits to improve the skills of employees in Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) and support business development.


来自Amable的Ulrich Thombansen在巴塞罗那举行的2018年In(3d)Ustry。图片通过Amable。
Ulrich Thombansen of AMable, presenting at the IN(3D)USTRY 2018 in Barcelona. Image via AMable.

投票现已开放2019 3D打印奖.

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