
欧洲航天局test 3D printing for Mars habitats


The objects were created as part of the Technology Research Program at the欧洲航天局(ESA)总部位于法国巴黎,以证明使用行星的天然材料建造建筑的可能性。

Igloo and corner of a wall 3D printed in Martian regolith simulant material ‘JSC-Mars-1A’ Photo via Fotec
Igloo and corner of a wall 3D printed in Martian regolith simulant material ‘JSC-Mars-1A’ Photo via Fotec


The 3D printed miniatures are made out of a composite ink containing Martian regolith simulant material ‘JSC-Mars-1A’. JSC-Mars-1A is made out of volcanic fragments refined by researchers at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.

火星雷果石模拟物的谷物,Wikimedia Commons摄影师Z22
火星雷果石模拟物的谷物,Wikimedia Commons摄影师Z22

在ESA网站上的帖子中, Fotec’s Christoph Buchner explains that phosphoric acid is used as a binding agent for the grains of dust to create a 3D printable material. The composite material is then extruded through a nozzle into successive layers.


The hardened results demonstrate the technique has potential for hardware and structural manufacturing on a variety of planetary bodies – it does not depend on the destination. So this is a promising step towards ‘in-situ resource utilization’ – the concept of using as much local materials as possible during a planetary mission, to cut down on the launch mass and cost.

Making a life on Mars

Focusing on the potential for humans to one day colonize Mars,NASA的百年挑战要求参与者使用可回收或当地土著材料推销项目,以在红色星球上创建结构。


The 3D printed Mars Ice House concept by SEArch (Space Exploration Architecture) and Clouds AO (Clouds Architecture Office) Image via mars icehouse.com
The 3D printed Mars Ice House concept by SEArch (Space Exploration Architecture) and Clouds AO (Clouds Architecture Office) Image via mars icehouse.com

NASA has since在佛罗里达大学的Sudipta Seal教授的帮助下, interim chair of the Materials Science and Engineering at the university, to find a way to build structures on Mars.


此类发展是在西班牙巴塞罗那加泰罗尼亚高级建筑学院(IAAC)等地方进行研究的关键驱动力,后者合作制作“世界的第一个” 3D印刷桥。

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特色图像显示了火星表面上的Chasma Boreale的透视图。图片通过ESA/DLR/FU Berlin,CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO图像