3D Printing

Fab Labs的重要性

Peter Troxler is one of the contributors to a collaboration of writing on 3D printing collected in价值创造的分散和网络的未来该系列由Jan-Peter Ferdinand,Ulrich Petschow和Sascha Dickel编辑,旨在掌握当前3D打印的兴起,并讨论该技术对价值创造未来的影响。本文是系列的一部分,我们将重点关注本书的每一章。所以让我们潜入!


制造实验室(Fab Labs)

Troxler的贡献,标题为制造实验室(Fab Labs), explores the rise and impact of publicly accessible workshops on 3D printing and the community surrounding it.

“制造实验室(Fab Labs)是公开访问的研讨会,为任何人提供数字制造技术和电子工具。Fab Labs继续使用以修补和发明的技术来为自己动手做的地方(DIY)的传统。他们站在被称为“制造商运动”的开始之初。Fab Labs的目标是成为数字制造知道如何在用户中共享的地方。特别是在欧洲,Fab Lab概念激发了基层社区建立此类研讨会。Fab Labs在促进3D打印方面发挥了作用,因为这些地方是向公众提供3D打印机的地方。雷电竞app下载一些工厂实验室还参与了标志性的3D打印项目,并开发和改进了3D打印机。雷电竞app下载但是,工厂实验室中的大多数活动仍保持娱乐或教育。同时,合作生产的新模型正在缓慢发展。必须解决一些技术,经济和社会挑战。 And Fab Labs will have to work actively on becoming economically, socially and ecologically sustainable.”


Fab Labs的历史非常有趣。他们首先来自麻省理工学院的一项研究计划,该计划探讨了计算机科学与物理科学之间的边界,并研究了如何将数据转化为数据以及数据。最初,只计划建立少数现场晶圆厂实验室,但是一旦公共空间的概念几乎可以使任何事情发生任何事情,那么压倒性的吸引力就推动了世界上数百个实验室的创建(目前有很多实验室(全球672个Fab Labs)。Fab Lab的一般目的是激发和授权人们设计和制造他们在商店中无法购买的产品。

The network approach of Fab Labs and the requirement to share designs and processes set them apart from similar workshops like MakerSpaces and the Techshop chain, as Fab Labs are one of the rare real world examples of decentralised and networked value creation that operate on a global scale and in the physical realm.

Troxler说,数字制造技术尚未以PC的方式到达房屋。Fab Labs对于为业余爱好者和企业家提供空间和资源至关重要,以利用3D打印机和其他制造设备,而不必投资于潜在昂贵的硬件和教育。雷电竞app下载

Troxler将Fab Lab社区的成功增长归因于“公开访问的DIY车间空间的复兴,制造商运动的兴起以及对社区价值创造的新兴意识”。

DIY的演变可以归因于技术的能力。通常,人类是要创造的,当新技术出现时,我们希望为我们自己的需求提供适当的态度。烹饪,编织,家居装修;DIY的概念不是新事物。随着Fab Labs的引入,公众可以为自己的需求和兴趣来利用更多技术多样化的项目。

制造商运动也是要考虑的重要点。共享信息和资源的兴起鼓励了在项目上的合作,Fab Labs帮助满足了对实现这一目标的物理空间的需求。据说这项制造商运动也是朝着合作,共享,点对点经济的更大,社会经济发展的一部分:Troxler将Fab Lake Like Like Like Like Like Like fab to。


“物理点对点生产的概念 - 在社区而不是工厂发生的制造,将制造知识视为共同体而不是生产因素 - 不一定是制造商运动中固有的。这是在其他行业中发生的发展的预测或推断 - 开放的源软件或维基百科是通常的例子。软件和百科全书的同行生产正在蓬勃发展,在网络个人计算机的基础架构以及从事社交和协作工作的人们方面蓬勃发展。与个人计算相比,3D打印正在实现个人制造。Fab Labs和Makerspaces至少在本地刺激社会和协作的努力。”

The importance of spaces like Fab Labs lie in the physicality of the project being undertaken or the object being made. Bringing people together in a physical space allows a better environment for commons-based manufacturing and the development and exchange of relevant knowledge and experience.


Between 2001 and 2004, the global network of Fab Labs being set up were initiated by the Center of Bits and Atoms in collaboration with some other host institutions. They were fairly central in how they were run, and adhered to certain recommendations regarding equipment and operating principles. Troxler goes on to explain how Fab Labs also became community-based and community-run places that work towards the liberation of technological knowledge and related practices.

“直到2010年,当Fab Lab Amersfoort创立了这种基层设置和运行空间的基层模式,这是Fab Lab Network在Fab Lab Network中首次采用的。他们以“基层工厂实验室的指导或如何在7天内建立晶圆厂实验室,与4人和约5000欧元建立晶圆厂实验室”,他们出版了116 P. Troxler方法,他们称之为“极端自下而上”。通过积极利用现有的热情艺术家,发明家和修补匠,他们可以跳过至少一年的准备工作。”

“基层工厂实验室指导”对Fab Labs的采用和开发产生了重大影响,尤其是在欧洲。Troxler最近进行的一项研究表明,现在欧洲几乎所有的Fab实验室中几乎是基层运营,是由其用户启动并运营的社区实验室,而不是由先前存在的机构运营的。基层方法还加速了法国,意大利和瑞士等国家的采用率。


介绍3D打印到Fab Labs

The technical capabilities of Fab Labs evolved over time, beginning with things like laser cutting, vinyl sheet cutting, precision three-dimensional milling and electronics, Troxler says. The rise in interest in 3D printing meant it was adopted by Fab Labs, but only became an official part of its inventory recently (around 2013).

然后,特罗克斯(Troxler)继续解释了公共空间(例如晶圆厂实验室和黑客空间)对3D打印的早期采用者的重要性,这使群众更容易获得新技术。您无需富有或专家就可以开始尝试3D打印。Fab Labs在低成本和低分辨率3D打印的开发和扩散中发挥了重要作用。


Troxler花了一些时间谈论公众和媒体如何看待2008年至2014年之间的3D打印,即Fab Labs进入的黄金时段以及基于人类兴趣故事的大多数较小的书面作品。诸如在太空中印刷食物和儿童假肢之类的主题帮助捕捉了公众的想象力,并引起了对3D印刷的兴趣,但事实经常混在一起,与该技术合作的爱好者被标记为该领域的专家。



In this segment, Troxler concludes that at this point in time 3D printing activities in Fab Labs are mainly recreational and educational. Commercial use appears to be exploratory rather directly business oriented. The value of Fab Labs for businesses is not access to the equipment—as it is for hobbyists—but to access other inventors and innovators and participation in an environment that stimulates creative exchange and co-creation of solutions.


“不同的研究发现,很大一部分的Fab实验室并不以财务独立的组织运作,在很大程度上取决于公共资金,甚至根本不具有财务可持续性。因此,它们似乎主要是针对本地共享知识和教育相当多的客户,其中包括学生,业余爱好者,自由持枪者和公司。经济上可以自我维持的独立晶圆厂实验室 - 即实验室通常从商业收入中产生超过四分之三的收入,主要是为业余爱好者。一位消息人士证实,这三个最高的收入来源是会员费,研讨会和政府补贴,与公司结束时签订了与公司的合同。这些有趣的发现可能是一种可能的解释,即Fab Labs目前无法可持续地支持将自己确定为自由职业者或代表公司的人们开展的商业活动,或者将得到商业合同的支持。当人们假设公共资金主要应用于无法在商业支持的活动中,公共资金的高率支持这种解释。”

Sharing, limitations and implications for sustainability

Troxler spends the rest of his chapter talking about the concept of sharing and collaboration in Fab Labs, both in the physical space and online. He also discusses the limitations of the widespread adoption of 3D printing. As far as he can see, the 3D printing technology used in Fab Labs is still pretty basic. The 3D printers used have limited build volume, build speed and accuracy. Because of the nature of the spaces, the machines used need to be accessible to hobbyists. This limits the level of complexity they are able to offer with their printers, software and printing materials. Money is also a factor, as Fab Labs aren’t generally designed to create revenue. Independent self sustaining Fab Labs rely heavily on hobbyists that will spend money for access to technology and resources they wouldn’t otherwise have.

Troxler concludes his piece on Fab Labs by delving into the implications for sustainability – economically, socially and ecologically. It’s an interesting section that raises questions of the future and evolution of 3D printing and Fab Labs.

He goes on to say that for Fab Labs to contribute to经济可持续性依赖公共补贴和发展价值主张,必须有一个发展,从而使实验室在经济上可以自给自足。

在贡献社会可持续性, they need to pursue their path of individual empowerment. They need to actively pursue social innovation in conjunction with gaining economic stability. The industry needs to move away from a user society to a maker society, to be able to utilise the full potential of Fab Labs and the related community.

Ecological sustainability这是一个棘手的材料,对环保的材料有限制。Troxler说,Fab Labs的可持续性研究直到最近才开始,到目前为止的结论是,Fab Labs是否能够将自己转变为参与性生态创新的平台还有待观察。

Future potential of Fab Labs

“ Fab Labs最初设置为普通人可以访问尖端技术成为发明家的地方,而创新者的潜力不仅仅是为所有人提供技术。他们已经成为人们分享创造力并参与共同创造实践的地方。除了开发技术制造技能外,Fab Lab Public(其用户,客户,参与者,成员?)还开发了社交制造技能,其中包括“与他人一起做”(DIWO)和共同创造其他人在发明上,并向其他人寻求建议。”

This chapter by Peter Troxler brings together the idea of shared information and the implementation of this knowledge in an accessible public space for all, and is an excellent read in its entirety.

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