
Freeze – Imperial College London 3D prints soft tissues using cryogenics

The main challenge of synthetic tissue is fabricating it in a way that tricks the body into believing that it has been there all along. As最近的预印本fromStanford Universityshows, evenCRISPR基因编辑尽管许多其他人的免疫系统并不完全安全再生医学therapies已经尝试并测试了积极作用。

Imperial College London,一种结合3D打印和低温的方法可能具有复制体内软组织质地的答案,并可能欺骗了我们肺和大脑的部分。


方法利用帝国理工学院liquid to solid phase change of a composite hydrogel ink. An Ultimaker 2 is modified to deposit the ink. It requires a setup that suspends a stainless steel print bed over a bath of dry ice and isopropanol (a secondary alcohol and common ingredient of antiseptics, disinfectants and detergents).

Schematic of Imperial College London's cryogenic 3D printing setup. Image via Scientific Reports
Schematic of Imperial College London’s cryogenic 3D printing setup. Image via Scientific Reports


“The setup was able to successfully create 3D complex geometrical structures, with an average compressive stiffness of O(1) kPa (0.49 ± 0.04 kPa stress at 30% compressive strain) and therefore mimics the mechanical properties of the softest tissues found in the human body (e.g. brain and lung).”

Previously cryogenically 3D printed would typically disintegrate in use. But now, the researchers were able to apply living cell samples to the3D printed scaffolds



The soft 3D printed scaffolds were successfully seeded with live dermal fibroblast cells. An ability to attach and survive on the hydrogel (when coated with collagen) shows great potential for the range of cryogenically 3D printed inks.

Though the current scaffolds are only a few centimeters in size, they provide a promising foundation to build towards a full organ. As detailed in the supporting study, this method broadens the scope of application “from soft tissue幻影mechanobi外科培训和模拟ology and tissue engineering.”

超软水凝胶的低温3D打印’ is available to read online in科学报告杂志。它由宗丘·谭(Zhengchu Tan),克里斯蒂安·巴西(Cristian Parisi),露西·迪·西尔维奥(Lucy Di Silvio),丹尼尔·迪尼(Daniele Dini)和安东尼奥·埃利亚·福特(Antonio Elia Forte)合着。

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