




Material science is a major part of 3D printing, as the feedstock used is often just as important as the machine when producing high-performance parts. With the most popular 3D printers – FFF systems – the thermoplastic filaments used can have a very damaging effect on the environment and are, more often than not, non-biodegradable. ABS, the second most popular filament after PLA, is one such material. So, the next best alternative is to recycle, reuse, and repurpose ABS parts, keeping them out of landfill for as long as possible.



With the sweet spot in mind, the researchers went out and purchased a vat of fine powder ABS. The powder was drawn into a 1.75mm diameter virgin filament and aFlashforge Inventor用于3D打印一组测试样品。对初始样品进行了拉伸,压缩,屈曲,冲击韧性和微硬度测试,并记录了结果。任何剩余的细丝都使用聚合物粉碎机回收并重新攻击,并在每个阶段都监测机械性能。ABS样品总共进行了六个循环。


Interestingly, the researchers found the mechanical properties to improve by around 30% until the fifth stage of recycling. The first few polymer thermal cycling courses realign the amorphous polymer chain links in the matrix, increasing the molecular interactions present. This improves the stability and overall mechanical properties of the ABS. After cycle five, chemical degradation begins to take hold and the polymer chains begin breaking down. The ABS chains are no longer as mobile and the glass transition temperature of the polymer increases. The results provide evidence for a “significant positive impact” of the ABS recycling process, besides just the environmental benefits.


可以在名为“”的论文中找到更多细节可持续添加剂制造:丙烯腈雷电竞充值丁二烯 - 苯乙烯在多个回收过程中的机械响应’。它由Nectarios Vidakis,Markos Petousis,Athena Maniadi,Emmanuel Koudoumas,Achilles Vairis和John Kechagias合着。

The study of FFF filaments is among the most common in 3D printing feedstock research. Last month, the U.S. Army unveiled a new高强度多聚合物丝it had been working on, consisting of an ABS shell and a polycarbonate core. The filament is expected to aid in the field of battle, producing mission critical parts in a timely manner at a fraction of the cost of traditional parts. Elsewhere, in Beijing, researchers have developed astarch-infused polycaprolactone (PCL)-based composite filamentwith antibacterial properties.

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