

弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)‘a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction’她在评论妇女接受教育的机会。当时,妇女被稀缺进入大学或学术图书馆,没有房间可以自由学习并成为他们想要的任何东西。尽管自1929年以来,世界已经发生了变化,但性别平等,尤其是在工程和技术行业中,仍然是一个值得讨论的主题。这就是为什么学校采取主动行动来鼓励探索蒸汽谱(科学,技术,工程,艺术和数学)以扩大向学生提供的机会来探索的原因。

The Phyllis M. Taylor STEAM Maker Lab stocked with MakerBots at Mount Carmel Academy, New Orleans. Photo via: mcacubs.com
The Phyllis M. Taylor STEAM Maker Lab stocked with MakerBots at Mount Carmel Academy, New Orleans. Photo via: mcacubs.com

New opportunities for New Orleans high-school girls

Mount Carmel Academy, an all-girls Catholic high-school in New Orleans, has opened a dedicated Maker Lab for its pupils with funding from the late Patrick F. Taylor Foundation, now managed by his widow Phyllis M. Taylor.

菲利斯·泰勒(Phyllis Taylor)是晋升为石油和天然气工业家内部顾问约翰·W·梅科姆(John W.在开设同名的Phyllis M. Taylor Maker实验室时,她获得了Carmel Academy学生的3D印刷礼物,以表示感谢她的支持。

新奥尔良实验室开放的新奥尔良大主教的3D印刷花瓶(左)和激光雕刻牌匾(右),以及新奥尔良大主教的最高牧师Gregory Aymond。照片通过:mcacubs.com
新奥尔良实验室开放的新奥尔良大主教的3D印刷花瓶(左)和激光雕刻牌匾(右),以及新奥尔良大主教的最高牧师Gregory Aymond。照片通过:mcacubs.com

Developing STEAM education

The Maker Lab is supplied with 16 MakerBot Replicator 3D printers, and it is hoped that it will help the school receive accreditation from AdvancED – the world’s biggest not-for-profit organisation for improving the opportunities provided to children. The new Maker Lab is particularly pertinent considering AdvancED’smost recent studythat finds the majority of schools aren’t implementing technology into the learning process, which is absolutely crucial to the technical future the world is heading towards.

Carmel are also keen to incorporate religious studies into the 3D printing process, a subject not often explored in the medium, but representative of the school’s commitment to be inclusive in their studies.

从卡梅尔(Carmel)的学生那里,很明显,正如一个学生莎拉·林(Sarah Liang)评论的那样,制造商实验室已经设法产生了影响。‘I am looking into careers in engineering, my dad is a civic engineer and I find that very interesting…he uses 3D printers, too’.



这个制造商实验室绝不是孤立的。在英国,BAE Systems开设了一家专业工程学院,供毕业生。在澳大利亚,政府提供的五到五万澳元赠款遵守数字技术课程的程序。和Makerbot有designed a coursein 3D printing for teachers in India.

任何关于性别平等的讨论的致命缺陷始终是周围的教育和文化。集体对蒸汽教育的承诺不仅对年轻女性有效,而且对踏上4号未来的男人也有效th我ndustrial revolution.

我想,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)可能在她的坟墓里跳舞。

特色图片显示,一名学生拿着激光雕刻牌匾,以纪念Phyllis M. Taylor Maker Lab的开放。照片通过:mcacubs.com