
HS2 3D打印公司试验技术用于建造环保污水基础设施

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建筑3D打印公司Changemaker 3D正在使用其“打印基础设施”技术来建立实验地下污水系统的基础。

与英国水公司合作联合公用事业,Changemaker 3D已经开发了一个废水分配室,可以通过环保混凝土在现场打印3D,以一种可以产生时间,成本和可持续性福利的方法,并帮助该行业朝着其碳净值目标发展2030年。

Changemaker 3D的污水系统试验紧随其后的消息,该消息将有助于快速跟踪英国的建设高速2铁路网络,其技术据说从2022年开始在Euston Station站点进行测试。

“It’s exciting for Changemaker 3D to be able to come into a new market and work with a potential supplier like United Utilities, who will also benefit by being the first UK company out of the starting blocks,” said Natalie Wadley, Director of Changemaker 3D. “Other sectors are already sitting up and taking an interest in our strong commercial proposition.”

“As well as being a technology for good, concrete printing is safer to build and saves time and cost. This is good for customers, the water sector and the UK construction industry as a whole.”

Changemaker 3D废水分配室的3D模型。
Changemaker 3D废水分配室的3D模型。图像通过联合公用事业。


Co-founded by Luke and Natalie Wadley in 2017, ChangeMaker 3D is a company that’s dedicated to developing a new approach to construction, which is more sustainable but still delivers value to users. To achieve this, the husband and wife team have come up with ‘Printfrastructure,’ an approach that involves using robot-mounted 3D printers to create concrete structures at scale.


Recognizing the potential of ChangeMaker 3D’s approach, SCS JV, a joint venture betweenSkanska,,,,Costain,,,,and STRABAG, has now cleared the firm’s technology for 3D printing part of the HS2 rail link. In doing so, the SCS JV believes that it could be possible to reduce the tunnels’ concrete and carbon quantities by up to 50%, and by producing structures on-site, it anticipates making further eco-gains in the future.

When it comes to working with United Utilities, however, ChangeMaker 3D’s technology was actually incubated as part of its Innovation Lab scheme, thus in their latest project, the firms have effectively rekindled their partnership, with the aim of putting Printfrastructure to the test and creating a structurally-optimized sewage chamber with end-use potential.

采用Changemaker 3D的技术可以帮助HS2重回正轨。通过HS2图像。


为了充分评估其废水应用过程的生存能力,Changemaker 3D最初选择重新设计污水处理室,因为其复杂性以及与失败有关的风险。从那以后,该公司与联合公用事业公司的工程师和顾问紧密合作,汽车,并设法基于目前制造的坎布里亚郡的管道开发了优化的模型。


为了付诸实践,Changemaker 3D现在打算3D打印一个原型,然后对其进行严格的测试,以作为检查其强度和耐用性的一种手段。如果成功的话,那么该公司的方法将被预计将在United Utilities的建筑合作伙伴面前现场演示,这一事件可以将其技术放入商店窗口,并打开一系列潜在用例。

“We’re really excited by this technology,” said Lisa Mansell, United Utilities’ Chief Innovation Engineer. “The sector has big challenges on the time and cost of construction, but the biggest challenge for the water industry right here and now is reducing our carbon footprint. One of our biggest carbon impacts is construction projects, particularly where we need to use concrete solutions.”




无论是水处理设施还是可租用的房屋,3D打印现在都越来越多地找到最终用途,而不是概念验证的施工应用。例如,在阿联酋,Dubai Electricity and Water Authority(Dewa)刚刚打开了3D打印研发实验室该设施容纳了漫游车,无人机和3D打印相关的测试设施。

In Germany, meanwhile, thePERI Grouphas 3D printed athree-story apartment buildingusing Danish manufacturing firm柯博德大型制造技术。现在已经完成并准备好居住,该地点将被分为五个独立的公寓,并在当地市场上可供出租。

莱克阀门ewise, Texan construction firm图标选择列出其第一个美国3D印刷房屋在2021年3月,在国内住房市场上。设有拱顶的主卧室,僻静的办公室和简约的质朴美学,Icon的四个添加剂制造结构据报道的起始价格为450,000美元。

提名2021 3D印刷行业奖现在打开。您认为谁应该成为今年演出的入围名单?现在有你的发言权。

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特色图显示了Changemaker 3D废水分配室的3D模型。图像通过联合公用事业。