
Innovation at Upcoming Mackay 3D Printing Expo


[BAJTECH位置控制系统的方式]与3D打印机的不同之处在于选择一个像打印驱动程序的配置:您可以将设备从塑料打雷电竞app下载印机转变为路由器或将其转换为雕刻师或等离子体切割器或激光切割器。弗兰克·霍尔(Frank Hall)正在协助Bajtech项目,他告诉制造商的月度。

“So instead of having to buy a machine that does your laser cutting, another one that does its engraving, and one that does your milling, and your 3D printer, our device can control the carriage that moves around and can be any one of those devices. You just select the configuration you require, the carriage will then move in such a manner that will suit the head that’s attached to it.”


“Ultimately all those machines work on positions within space,”霍尔说,“因此,我相信他们最终将将其结合到一台机器上。”

Bajema的控制系统在詹姆斯·库克大学(James Cook University)进行了测试。该团队希望将其设备推向市场,这是一个重要的一步,是Mackay 3D打印博览会的揭幕。