
Pirate3D Share the 3D Printing Happy and Reveal Their Own Pirate Code — Corporate Social Responsibility

The pledges just keep on coming for the Buccaneer 3D printer on Kickstarter. As I write, the total no of pledges stand at 1385, with a total fund of $532,140. Having passed the $500k mark, Pirate3D has made its own pledge, in support of the organisation’s vision “to democratize innovation, foster creativity and inspire entrepreneurship” through 3D printing.

This said pledge involves “contributing to society and making the world a better place, [which] is part of our DNA, and we believe that the Kickstarter community and our backers share these ideals.” To this end, Pirate3D are donating 10 units of the Buccaneer 3D printer to selected African institutions and will further support them with as well as design and apps development.


You’ve gotta love this brand of pirates — even despite the lack of real visibility on the printers as yet, they are making a stir, and in all the right ways.