
Interview: Gina Häußge, creator of OctoPrint, on the RepRap 10th Anniversary

我们纪念系列10th anniversary of the RepRap projectcontinues with insights into the 3D printing software world.


Gina Häußge first encountered 3D printing and the RepRap project at the 2009 Hacking at Random event in the Netherlands. Several other attendees would also go on to become influential figures in the 3D printing industry and 3D printers soon became a regular feature at similar conventions.

In this interview Gina Häußge discusses the benefits of Open Source, the importance of history and how she would like 3D printing to improve from the software perspective.


Michael Petch: How would you describe the importance of the RepRap project?

GinaHäußge:RepRap is what turned 3D printing from a walled garden technology into a mass market phenomenon, available and affordable for hobbyists. Without it, 3D printing would probably still be a technology unavailable to anyone but companies capable of affording the expensive commercial machines and we would have seen a lot less innovation in the market. These days basically everyone has heard of 3D printing thanks to the hype that surrounded it for a while – without the RepRap project pioneering a lot of what made such a mainstream presence possible, that would not be the case.

迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch):转载现在与您有何关系?

GinaHäußge:虽然我目前的打印机都没有自我复制,但他们都依赖于重复技术,无论是community developed software, firmware or hardware. I don’t think there a lot of consumer 3D printers on offer today for which this doesn’t hold true, and it saddens me a bit that a lot of people owning a 3D printer today know nothing of the history behind it.

Monitoring 3D prints remotely with OctoPrint.
Monitoring 3D prints remotely with OctoPrint.

Michael Petch: What is your perspective on the state of Open Source in 2018 and is there still a need for OS projects?


尤其是在消费者3D打印领域,一切都依赖开源 - 无论是固件,主机软件,切片机。CAD包也吸引了他们的商业和封闭的源竞争对手。

Michael Petch: What are some of the key developments in 3D printing during the past decade?

GinaHäußge:我当然会说,消费者3D打印机的加热床和自动级别可用于打印机可靠性。雷电竞app下载除了这些天,多种可打印材料的选择 - 如今,还有更多的选择,而不仅仅是ABS和PLA,而且人们对此具有令人难以置信的创造力。多挤出机设置并不那么广泛,仍然有一些扭结可以熨烫的,但我想这也应该在这里提及。

迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch):您想看到什么3D打印当前缺少什么?

GinaHäußge:This is a very technical and special point of view caused by my daily work onOctoPrintbut: a coherent unfragmented firmware landscape. Right now every vendor maintains their own fork of the one or other Open Source firmware. Based on my experience these forks rarely see bug fixes, improvements or features merged from the upstream versions of those firmwares. The result is a horribly fragmented environment, making it incredibly difficult to write software that works reliably with printers out there in the wild. A bit more working together and being more conscious about the consequences of fiddling around with things would go a long way here.

OctoPrint特性包括the temperature monitoring.
OctoPrint特性包括the temperature monitoring.

迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch):您还有其他想分享的重演想法吗?



您将了解有关早期的更多信息重复3D打印in the articles already published to mark the 10th Anniversary of RepRap.

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