

加利福尼亚州制造的3D印刷建筑物轮廓制作Doka Group的投资部门Chotre Memwork专家的新投资获得了牢固的基础。

很快,我们将拥有第一个可部署的可部署机器人3D施工打印机,” Contour Crafting Corporation总裁兼首席执行官Behrokh Khoshnevis说。

奥地利的Doka集团是建筑行业模板的主要供应商之一。作为母公司Umdasch AG的一部分,该公司的收入超过10亿美元。对轮廓制作的投资旨在帮助“”大大减少建造建筑物并满足全球对社会可接受的住宿和基础设施的需求不断上升所需的时间。”

Doka Ventures在轮廓制作中占有30%的股份。

3D打印行业要求Doka Group的项目管理与协调玛丽亚·塔格克·斯特尔姆(Maria Tagwerker-Sturm)有关更多详细信息。

轮廓制作的Behrokh Khoshnevis
轮廓制作的Behrokh Khoshnevis

3D printers available in 2018

Although the precise terms of the deal, including the amount of investment, are undisclosed, we understand that the funds will be used to lease a 33,000 sq-ft unit in El Segundo, California. Contour Crafting has already taken several orders for their 3D printers, the first are expected to ship in early 2018. The 3D printers use cementitious materials and, “这些机器人被出售为“洛杉矶的前事”,有一个定义的最低数量的未来运营商必须在向客户解放之前接受培训和认证。”

Doka are not disclosing how much the 3D printers will be sold for.

这robotic 3D construction printers have a, “到达24英尺至40英尺之间,可选的长度可能会大得多。将秤小于800磅,对于大型建筑机器来说很轻。”

Maria Tagwerker-Sturm tells us that the time saving element of using a 3D printer for construction is particularly appealing, “人们可以在施工后的2-5天搬进新房子。这项技术节省了成本,时间,增强了环境指纹,并增加了职业安全性,因为这是一个自动化过程。


近年来,许多公司声称能够使用3D打印机制造建筑物。Contour Crafting的创始人Bherokh Khoshnevis可以说是最早踏上这条道路的人之一。Khoshnevis于1996年就3D印刷建筑印刷申请了他的第一项专利。目前,他在该领域拥有100多项活跃专利。


Tagwerker-Sturmsays that there is a “huge” difference between WinSun and Contour Crafting.

WinSun’s technology is a mixture of 3D printing and prefab as they print structures via a stationary machine in China (which is a used and adapted CNC machine from Italy) then cut the structures apart and ship the parts to the construction site, assemble them and apply finishing. Contour Crafting’s technology consists of deployable robotic systems which print everything at the very construction site.

This year WinSun announced a$1.5 billion dealthat will see the company lease100 3D printers to a Saudi Arabian construction company.

轮廓制作使用的技术也与MIT的Neri Oxman小组最近使用时明显不同。这Digital Construction Platform recently 3D printed a 14.6-m-diameter, 3.7-m-tall open dome formwork structure inless than 14 hours

纳德·哈利利(Nader Khalili)对3D印刷建筑物的影响

纳德·哈利利(Nader Khalili)的影响和遗产也应在任何讨论中的任何讨论中提及。1991年,哈利里(Khalili)建立了California Institute of Earth Art and Architecture(Cal-Earth) to teach others about his Superadobe building method. The Superadobe method itself was inspired by traditional construction techniques in Khalili’s country of birth, Iran.

Beginning in 1984, Khalili developed the Superabode system for a NASA project. Khalili wrote extensively about the construction of emergency shelters and also a system called ceramic houses called Geltaftan. The etymology of the word comes from the Persian “Gel”, or clay, and “taftan”, meaning “发射,烘烤和编织粘土。”

纳德·哈利里(Nader Khalili)与难民专员办事处的官员合作开展救灾住房。通过Cal-Earth的照片
纳德·哈利里(Nader Khalili)与难民专员办事处的官员合作开展救灾住房。通过Cal-Earth的照片


Other enterprises using 3D printing techniques for construction include Italy’sD-Shape,加泰罗尼亚高级建筑学院(IAAC)in Barcelona, Spain, Russia’sApis Cor,CyBe Construction来自荷兰,Batiprint3D项目在法国以及乌克兰的初创公司Pastivdom-我们想买一栋房子



我们向Doka Ventures询问了迄今为止使用其3D打印机建造的最大建筑物,并收到了以下答案,雷电竞app下载


As Contour Crafting point out,

这Earth’s population, according to scientific forecasts, will rise to eleven billion by the year 2100. There will also be an enormous increase in urbanization. Right now half the people in the world live in cities; by 2050 the figure will be in the region of 75 percent. These developments pose huge challenges for the building industry. Affordable accommodation and infrastructure will have to be built rapidly. Conventional methods of construction will be unable to deliver.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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