
Robotic construction and exploring the limits of 3D printing with Enrico Dini

Enrico Dini, an Italian engineer who created an early 3D printer for construction, has proclaimed 3D printing ruined his life according a最近的采访。However, that hasn’t stopped him from dreaming about the wonders of the technology.


I am a brilliant inventor of beauty, and even though I will die in poverty, my inventions are winning ones.

使用Dini的机器印刷的放射性虫。图片通过Post Magazine
Radiolaria使用Dini的机器刺激投资印刷。图片通过Post Magazine

Dini的3D印刷冒险并不顺利。在他在鞋厂迪尼(Dini“When I realized that this project should be my life project I sacrificed everything.”Re-mortgaging his house he slowly went into debt. This consequently ruined his relationship with his wife and ended in their divorce. But according to the interview, it was 2008 when Enrico had his biggest misfortune. Shortly following the offer of a $60 million investment from an Italian company, the global financial crisis struck and the deal was cancelled.



如上图所示,D形打印机已创建。世界上第一个建筑规模3D打印机。该机器能够使用天然材料(例如沙子,地球)以及月球灰尘打印。该机器在去年的新闻中,计划建造一个3D printed estate in New York

Enrico Dini在他的3D印刷作品旁边。通过D形图像。
Enrico Dini在他的3D印刷作品旁边。通过D形图像。

为了回应3D印刷是新的工业革命,DINI不符合炒作。相反,Dini将3D打印视为“第一个工业权力下放。”他指的是using natural materials in an organic way that is both environmentally friendly, cheap and non-polluting.”他的想法从来都不是要为人们创建通用的便宜住房,以赚钱,而是


3D printed underwater. Image via D-shape.
3D printed underwater. Image via D-shape.

恩里科(Enrico)的计划扩展了3D打印应用程序的界限,他想在沙漠中打印3D印刷生态系统。可以肯定地说,意大利人有野心。“Ultimately, it is not a difficult concept,迪尼说。“All it takes is a little imagination。”

These ideas are exciting, but how do we get from here to putting them in action? Learning from the past Dini admits “不会是我改变世界的人,它将是一个更大的球员。“Dini是一个鼓舞人心的人,他的故事,你gh sad, shows his commitment to 3D printing. Moreover, Enrico isn’t just a dreamer. Already,3D印刷房屋正在形成,以及他的太空任务也通过与福斯特 +合作伙伴

I am not Mr Ford, I am not Mr Gates and I am not Mr Allen, I am just Enrico Dini, a man who has lost everything. Someone with billions will make billions out of my invention but I know I have given a message to the world of construction that is as important as the message Steve Jobs gave to the world of computation … when one night in 2004 I couldn’t sleep and I had this vision of what 3D printing could do, it was a dream of amazing shapes. A dream of beauty. Beauty, you see, is the essence of life – it is not an option, it is everything.


Enrico Dini的特色图像通过亿万富翁com。

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