
皇家DSM和Juggerbot 3D启动试验计划,以帮助采用3D打印

基于俄亥俄州Juggerbot 3D, a 3D printing engineering and consulting firm, and Dutch multinational chemical company皇家DSM,宣布启动了针对工业级3D打印的试验计划。该计划的目的是允许选定的公司在Juggerbot 3D打印机中评估DSM的工程级材料。

With the trial program, DSM and JuggerBot 3D hope manufacturers can build expertise in additive manufacturing, learning its benefits, and test the technology, without having to make an upfront capital investment in hardware.

DSM的全球营销和销售总监吉尔·科恩(雷电竞充值Jill Cohen)表示:“尽管在生产环境中采用增材制造业(AM)正在迅速增加,但许多公司在采用该技术时仍面临挑战。”


Juggerbot 3D系统上的触摸屏UI。通过Juggerbot 3D图像。
The touchscreen UI on JuggerBot 3D’s system. Image via JuggerBot 3D.


The program’s initial trial customers consists of design companies and 3D printing service bureaus from the transportation, consumer appliance and medical device industries. Throughout the trial period, each business will receive support using the additive manufacturing hardware and materials from JuggerBot 3D and DSM. The companies are required to pay a deposit, and cover the costs of the materials used.

Juggerbot 3D为程序制造和提供的工业3D打印机是独立系统,并通过触摸屏UI集成了专有软件。它还与多种材料兼容,包括DSM的添加剂制造热塑性塑料,并包括软件中实施的材料配置文件。雷电竞充值Juggerbot 3D获得专利的相互依存驱动系统的兼容性,该系统既利用推动和拉动细丝挤出力来获得“开放材料功能”。Customers can decide to purchase machines of their own during the trial period and interested parties in the U.S. can申请参与now

Jugge雷电竞充值rbot 3D首席执行官Daniel Fernback解释说:“为了使其成为主流生产,它需要工业级打印机,这些打印机可以以可靠,一致的方式处理工程材料。”“ Juggerbot 3D将其系统的设计重点放在处理各种高性能,工程材料的唯一能力,例如DSM的热塑性生产热塑性生产线。”雷电竞充值

Juggerbot 3D's desktop 3D printer. Image via JuggerBot 3D.
Juggerbot 3D的桌面3D打印机。通过Juggerbot 3D图像。

Helping companies adopt 3D printing

皇家DSMand JuggerBot 3D’s trial program is the latest scheme developed to aid the adoption of additive manufacturing in production environments. Boston-based 3D printer manufacturer标记最近推出了它的雷电竞充值增材制造大学。The educational service from Markforged is also focused on building expertise in 3D printing, sharing a similar goal with JuggerBot 3D and Royal DSM to accelerate the adoption of 3D printing for manufacturers.

纽约添加剂制造工作流软件开发人员雷电竞充值Link3Dhas also recently released itsAdditive Material Recommendation System(AMRS)。该工具旨在应对在整个组织中采用增材制造业的挑战,并“提高对添加剂制造能力和工作流程的总体了雷电竞充值解”。

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图像显示了触摸屏JuggerB UIot 3D’s system. Image via JuggerBot 3D.