

The tech world has been booming recently with endless news about two of the up-and-coming industries of 3D printing and drone technology. Naturally, these two fields have seen a good deal of cross-pollination, the latest of which is evidenced in the新的X01项目,希腊工程师对3D打印的挑战并建造了自己的功能性无人机。X01项目的设计基于Masten Space Systems获奖XA-01.B XOMBIE, which received second place for its innovative and complex design at the 2009 Lunar Landing Challenge.


Developers of the X01 meant to replicate such a complex design into 24 3D printed parts in order to offer a challenge to Makers, apparently trying to refrain from putting together an easy and unrewarding project. Yet, the team is providing step-by-step instructions, all of the STL files, and a list a recommended parts in order to make the project’s completion both low in cost and high in functionality. This list of parts includes the most affordable and reliable electronics, such as the OpenPilot flight controller andAvizar Multicopter Motor, giving the project’s competitors access to every part needed to put the X01 in the sky.

3D printed parts for the X01 Project
3D printed parts for the X01 Project


在完成的X01项目中享受您的飞行时间,开发团队希望您从头开始建造无人机同样有趣。X01项目已设法结合了两种新兴技术,既创建了一个复杂的设计又有一个易于组装,并且以相对低的成本完成了所有这些技术。项目开发人员的未来计划包括在无人机设计中实施摄像头和遥测,以及为X01无人机套件构建的GPS功能和更多尺寸选项。创新的XA-01.B Xombie当然似乎是一部突破性的制作,最初是在2009年开发的,但是X01项目团队通过采用这款复杂和专业设计的无人机并让我们轻松3D打印,使信封进一步推动了信封组装并自行探索天空。