
VERASHAPE to launch 5-Axis VSHAPER 3D Printer at formnext

Polish OEM VERASHAPE has announced that it will be launching its 5-axis VSHAPER 3D printing system at formnext 2017.

The FFF printer, produced with the support of Polish National Research and Development Center, utilises a “rotary working platform,” meaning that instead of conventional layer-by-layer 3D printing, all five axes of the machine are used simultaneously on a tilting print-bed.

A five-axis 3D printer

The forthcoming VSHAPER uses “5-axis kinematics equipped with tilting rotary working platform” for an “indexed” 3D printing process, which can transfer the print surface to another surface that was printed earlier. Further information as to how this aspect of the printer functions is yet to be revealed.

However,VERASHAPEhas revealed that multiple materials can be 3D printed in one process. This will allow models to be created from reinforced material and “printed elastomeric seals.”

Verashape的研发首席工程师Marek Kantowski揭示了打印机的一些技术细节,例如“直径为300毫米和300毫米高的活跃圆柱工作空间”和一个集成的工具库“工具库”允许使用少数几个工具库。在一个打印过程中不同的头部。”

Kantowski also added that “Thank to constant temperature inside the working chamber and heated platform, the device can process most of thermoplastic materials.”

vsshaper在Formnext 2017中。图片通过Verashape。
VSHAPER at formnext 2017. Image via VERASHAPE.


Work on the printer has, until now, consisted chiefly of R&D. Tomasz Szymański, founder and CEO of VERASHAPE explained that “the conceptual work on the 5-Axis Machine continues, but we have decided to present its effects so that potential customers are included in the technology development process.”

“我们邀请行业代表积极参与该项目 - 我们对任何建议都开放。我们为这台机器而努力,该机器将在2019年购买,以满足……生产公司的期望”


In October, VERASHAPE was授予一位波兰智能开发奖,遵循其先前与Polish National Research and Development Center. VERASHAPE was given the award as an “Innovative Company” for producing a “globally innovative additive printer.”

Verashape的Vshaper系列已经组成了一系列6个3D打印机,包括使用SLA和FFF Technologie雷电竞app下载s的机器。Verashape将于11月14日至17日在Formnext 2017 Hall 3.1展位。

CEO Tomasz Szymański receives VERASHAPE's innovation award. Photo via VERASHAPE.

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Featured image shows a complex reinforced shape, printed by a VSHAPER. Photo via VSHAPER.