

聪明的?爬行?还是两者都健康的剂量?美国机器人公司Boston Dynamics刚刚发布了一个视频演示最新的吗abilities of its Atlas humanoid robot. In the clip, Atlas can be seen jogging, up an incline and on uneven ground, and jumping over a log, all for the purpose search and rescue.


尽管有这种极为现实的机器人的感觉,但无疑是现代工程的一项壮举,在许多地方enabled by 3D printing

The making of a running, jumping, back-flipping robot

Atlas made its first public appearance in July 2013. Then a DARPA prototype, Atlas had the abilities of the average toddler, just learning to walk.


可以预见的是,负责阿特拉斯令人信服的敏捷性的腿被认为是其发展中最具挑战性的部分之一。每条腿都由液压动力驱动,需要多个通道和执行器缸的内部集成进入一个零件 - 通过使用3D打印已经克服的任务。

The Boston Dynamics Atlas. Screengrab via Boston Dynamics
The Boston Dynamics Atlas. Screengrab via Boston Dynamics

3D printing challenges

在最近的11th International Fluid Power Conference在德国亚兴,波士顿工程副总裁Aaron Saunders解释了,“腿非常具有挑战性,因为其中有很多东西。只是找到一家公司来磨练一个从未有资格的3D印刷材料中的执行器缸是一个巨大的挑战。”

In addition, Boston Dynamics applied 3D printing to the production of the Atlas’ Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) that sits in the center of the robot. Though the method came with its own set of challenges, in the end, the advantages outweighed the effort that had to be taken to get the right components.

“It’s approaching a kilowatt per kg of density, it’s pretty scalable,” said Saunders of the HPU, “All the homeostasis, sensing, filtration, dump valves, everything we need for the power plant is integrated into a printed part.”

In addition, 3D printing made components lighter, with higher weight-strength ratio, and designs were made to occupy unused space within the robot.

Structure of the Atlas’ legs. Image via Boston Dynamics

A robot reality

Soft Robotics是应用3D打印的另一个创新领域,可为机器提供更多类似寿命的能力。美国军方目前正在进行一项软机器人研究inspired by cephalopods而且,最近的研究哈佛大学has proven the ability to make soft robotscapable of sensing movement, pressure, touch, and temperature

The success of these projects and companies like Boston Dynamics is building a promising future for realistic robots. Eventually, such machines may be crucial to relief efforts in sites of disaster. They are also have the potential to change the face of defense.


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Featured image shows the Atlas robot jumping over a log. Clip via Boston Dynamics.