
Creality-backed Space Robotics Project empowers Brazilian pupils to reach for the stars

Chinese 3D printer manufacturerCreality宣布其意图支持巴西学生培训计划,称为太空机器人项目。


Creality首席执行官Danjun AO说:“创造现实,实现梦想。”“这是根深蒂固的哲学。在启动太空机器人技术时,我想借此机会与我们的伴侣和所有巴西儿童分享这种哲学:只有实现我们的梦想,我们才能真正创造全人类的未来。”

Creality致力于为巴西学生提供250个Ender-3 3D打印机。雷电竞app下载通过碎片图像。


作为制造易于使用的3D打印机的专家,Creality的投资组合使其成为RobóticaEs雷电竞app下载pacial倡议的理想支持者。除了它的CR系列andCP Seriesof FDM machines, the company also offers its flagshipEnder系统,包括Ender-3的几次迭代,以及其Ender-5 Pro,Ender-5 Plus和Ender-6 Core-Xy。

今年早些时候,Creality通过launch of the rapid Ender-7, a machine designed to ramp-up the pace of hobbyist production, and set a new speed benchmark for the Ender range. Featuring a dual motor-equipped Core-XY structure and linear rail positioning, the firm’s latest system is capable of printing at speeds of up to 250 mm per second, without sacrificing model accuracy.


A Brazilian student using a Creality 3D printer.


University of Brasília在巴西科学,技术和创新部的支持下,太空机器人项目旨在为该国的学生提供改进的机器人技术的访问。为了最大程度地实现这一目标,大多数计划的活动都在“虚拟学习空间”中举行,并采用教育游戏的形式,这些游戏通过工程任务挑战学生。


该项目也得到了巴西航天局(AEB)的支持,它与NASA的Artemis mission to return to the Moon, given that it’s set to task pupils with building a lunar rover. While Robótica Espacial believes that the project will provide the students with the skills they need to become the next generation of astronauts, the AEB’s current crop is now developing a real rover for launch in 2023.


For its part, Creality is contributing to the Space Robotics Project by equipping Robótica Espacial’s mobile ‘TECNOMOB’ 3D printing lab, which will visit 25 schools from August to November 2021. Set to be used in tandem with the initiative’s online platform, the truck’s equipment should allow participating students to put what they’ve learned into practise, further embedding acquired skills for the future.

Given that many of the country’s remote areas have little access to advanced technologies, Creality also sees its contribution as a chance to continue on its mission to “popularize 3D printing among young people,” and views the project as a starting point from which it can work with other organizations across the globe to “pass on a spirit of public welfare.”

在该项目于2021年9月9日的现场启动时,Creality的首席执行官Danjun AO告诉巴西中国大使Liang Tian,以及在线观看的数百名巴西老师,学生应该使用3D打印来“追求自己的太空梦想”。





Featured image shows a Brazilian student using a Creality 3D printer. Photo via Creality.

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