
Review: BCN3D Sigma D25 – a versatile, next-generation IDEX FFF 3D printer

3D打印行业reviews the BCN3D Sigma D25 3D printer.

由总部位于巴塞罗那的3D打印机制造商BCN3D设计Sigma D25is a large-format FFF 3D printer featuring the company’s signature IDEX setup. Based on the previously releasedSigma R19和Sigmax R19systems, the D25 comes complete with a plethora of new feature upgrades that we’ll cover in this review.

Based in southern Europe with a global customer base, BCN3D is known to manufacture its systems with ease-of-use and versatility in mind, and the D25 is no exception. Priced at €3,495 ($4,200), the desktop 3D printer is suitable for prosumers, design professionals, and SMEs seeking reliable multi-material functional prototyping and end-use production.

Intended as BCN3D’s ‘next-generation’ flagship platform, the D25 brings with it many of the innovations that are also featured in the company’s recently releasedEpsilon Workbench系列。因此,主力是在这里发出新的以生产力为中心的3D打印。

BCN3D Sigma D25 3D打印机。通过BCN3D照片。
BCN3D Sigma D25 3D打印机。通过BCN3D照片。

Bigger, bolder, better

BCN3D has given its latest entry into the Sigma series a makeover. Rather than the dark grey frames of the original R19 systems, the D25 features a whole new silver aluminum frame complete with a glossy black logo banner, and we have to say we love it. With a sizable build volume measuring 420 x 300 x 200mm, the company has also decided to let go of the smaller Sigma sizes, instead opting for a more competitive build chamber more closely aligned with the larger Sigmax.

铝制构建板也已被重新构想,将常规的PCB加热器代替了新的硅酮热垫,以改善热量分布。这是我们在原始中提出的问题Sigmax R19的评论, so it’s nice to see the company making use of valuable user feedback. With a maximum bed temperature of 80ºC, the 3D printer now limits heat variations to around ±2ºC (down from ±20ºC).

Both the X and Z axes have also been reinforced for greater stability. BCN3D has switched out the aluminum X axis rails for stronger stainless steel counterparts, while the Z axis has been made to be more robust via a redesigned set of Z shaft supports.

When it comes to connectivity, users can choose between Wi-Fi, ethernet, or SD (a 32gb SD card is included). The D25 now features new and improved Android software, making the menus on the 5” full-color touchscreen all the more fluid and aesthetically pleasing. The system even has a set of LED strips running along the interior to facilitate night-time operation, or simply make operations more eye-catching.


A new take on IDEX 3D printing

与BCN3D投资组合一样,D25 3D打印机具有独立的双重挤压设置。使用IDEX系统,两个打印头在X轴上独立移动,从而使两个喷嘴都可以同时使用吞吐量。配备高性能E3Dhotends, the system offers a maximum nozzle temperature of 300ºC, making it compatible with a range of filaments such as PETG, TPU, BVOH and PVA.

有趣的是,该公司已决定重新安置the extruders to the exterior of the printer’s frame, on the back. Although unusual, the design choice serves to eliminate overheating issues, which can sometimes result in the extruders being unable to grip the heat-softened filament. The placement also makes the extruders easier to maintain. The extruders themselves feature high-tech dual-driveBondtechgears还有一个细丝跳线传感器,我们发现它是多日打印的救生员。

Sigma D25具有两个带有E3D热台的独立挤出机。由3D打印行业摄。
Sigma D25具有两个带有E3D热台的独立挤出机。由3D打印行业摄。

此外,D25已经安装了两个新的filament purge buckets on either side of the bed – both of which are larger than their R19 predecessors. When it comes to spool holders, we have two on the inside and two on the outside, meaning the use of larger third-party spools won’t be a problem at all.

床和喷嘴校准过程也通过Sigma D25上的优化固件进行了完善。它们是半自动的,完全由触摸屏上的说明指导。作为用户,您只需要在构建板下方旋转几个旋钮,然后从系统提出的一组印刷测试线中选择最佳设置。该过程本身很费力,但是如果做得正确,打印机仍在很长一段时间内进行校准。例如,我们的D25在需要重新校准之前进行了大约200个小时的打印时间。

The 5” touchscreen of the D25. Photo by 3D Printing Industry.
The 5” touchscreen of the D25. Photo by 3D Printing Industry.

BCN3D Cura Slicer

与BCN3D的其他系统一样,Sigma D25使用了重新系列的开源库拉切片机。该软件的运行方式与市场上的大多数FFF切片机非常相似,具有基本的翻译,旋转和重新缩放功能,并且在菜单上进行了几分钟的摆弄后,很容易拾取。BCN3D CURA还具有四种双重分解模式,使用户能够利用系统的IDEX设置:重复,镜像,多物质和可溶性支持。

While we did find a few glitches and occasional laggy menus, the software as a whole works as intended and gets the job done. It’s also worth noting that the BCN3D team is currently working on developing an updated version of the slicer, which should hopefully solve the minor issues we encountered.

BCN3D Cura UI. Image by 3D Printing Industry.
BCN3D Cura UI. Image by 3D Printing Industry.

Benchmarking the Sigma D25: 78/100

那么Sigma D25 3D打印机如何在我们的基准测试中票价?我们从3D打印行业自己的基准测试模型开始,该模型将我们的许多较小的印刷测试整合到一个全面的部分中。我们通常在PLA中打印该测试以比较打印机之间的结果,但是我们也经常尝试使用PETG或ABS变体,以查看机器如何处理更困难的细丝。

这种基准测试模型以高温PET印刷,确实使D25的步伐使该系统在大多数关键测试区域中都表现良好。我们根据尺寸精度,表面质量和结构完整性等因素分配每个部分的加权分数。D25的总体3D印刷行业得分为78/100– a good professional-grade 3D printer is a 60+.




The bridging test is really where the D25 stumbled, with the horizontal structures beginning to curve after the 20mm mark with PETG and 30mm with PLA. We chalked this up to a design fault with the printhead’s cooling system, which can sometimes be ineffective depending on the part’s orientation on the build plate. If the fan duct were to blow air a full 360° around the nozzle, temperature-sensitive structures like horizontal bridges would have no trouble at all, regardless of orientation.


我们还想看看Sigma D25如何处理圆形结构,因此我们3D打印了圆形轨迹测试。通过研究同心圆直径的正态分布,我们可以说,当差异平均值低于0.1mm并且标准偏差低于0.05mm时,打印机具有足够的重复性。我们的测量设备准确至±0.015mm。

The circular trajectory test. Photo by 3D printing industry.
The circular trajectory test. Photo by 3D printing industry.

结果非常出色,X轴的平均偏移仅为0.0592mm,Y轴的平均偏移量为0.0318mm,所有轴平均为0.0455mm。平均标准偏差也为0.039mm,这是一个很好的结果。在上下文中,工业FFF 3D打印机通常会吹捧高达0.1m雷电竞app下载m的尺寸精确度,这使它们有资格在汽车或制造工具等行业中进行高精度原型制作。

Results for the circular trajectory test. Image by 3D Printing Industry.

Below you’ll find the bell curves for the best and worst circles in the test – Circle two for the Y-axis and Circle three for the X-axis. In the best case, 99.6% of the 65mm circles manufactured by this 3D printer will be between 64.94mm and 65.07mm. In the worst case, 99.6% of the 100mm circles fabricated by this 3D printer will be between 99.64mm and 100.13mm.



与往常一样,我们还打印了一组“真实应用程序”测试,以查看Sigma D25在现实世界中如何处理自己。其中第一个是一个微型巴黎圣母院大教堂。至少可以说,印刷品的出现很漂亮,没有缺陷和尖峰之间的最小串。保留了许多大教堂的精美建筑细节,并且该结构的悬垂均已成功制造。


Then, we opted for a planetary gear system for our mechanical assembly test. Dynamic prints like this one give us an indication as to just how tight the tolerances of the 3D printer are, as the ease of assembly and overall fluidity of the system can be judged very easily. The D25 did an excellent job with this print, as each of our gears had clean surfaces and meshed well with the rest of the assembly, resulting in a fully functional gear system.


Naturally, we also had to print a multi-material part, which gave us a chance to test how well the nozzles were calibrated with respect to each other. Our double PLA fidget toy featured some of the cleanest material interface zones we’ve ever seen in a multi-material print, with no color bleeding at all. The Sigma D25 held its own admirably here, showcasing high-quality multi-material fabrication better than most dual-extrusion 3D printers on the market. A big win.

Double PLA print test. Photo by 3D Printing Industry.
Double PLA print test. Photo by 3D Printing Industry.

Finally, we also tried our hand at a PVA soluble support print. PVA, or polyvinyl alcohol, is a flexible and biodegradable polymer that is very sensitive to moisture. When submerged in water, PVA dissolves, making it a great support material when it comes to partially closed cavities and overhangs. We printed our main part – a topologically-optimized steering column – in PETG. Suffice it to say, the build was a complete success with minimal support scarring and a fully functional prototype.


The verdict

Sigma D25 3D打印机已经超越了BCN3D。原始的R19系统完成了工作,他们做得很好,但是D25提供的众多升级足以将新的生命注入公司的投资组合。凭借改建的加热系统,Wi-Fi连接性和可移动床等功能,这款3D打印机是通过您给自己的孩子的爱和关怀而开发的。

Granted, it’s not perfect, with a rigorous and comparatively lengthy calibration process and a slicer that’s nothing to write home about. If you can look past these minor gripes, you’ll get a sleek new design, a reliable IDEX setup, and a healthy build volume to boot – all in a sub-$5000 package that’s well worth a pickup.

Technical specifications

构建体积 420 x 300 x 200mm
Extruders 2 (IDEX)
细丝直径 2.85mm
层高度 0.05 - 0.5mm
Positioning resolution 1.25/1.25/1微米
最大床温度 80°C
最大喷嘴温度 300°C
Touchscreen 5英寸全彩
Connectivity SD,Wi-Fi,以太网
Dimensions 690 x 530 x 550mm
重量 30kg

在此处购买BCN3D Sigma D25 3D打印机。The system is available to order now for €3,495 ($4,200).

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特征图显示了BCN3D Sigma D25 3D打印机。通过BCN3D照片。