
Stratasys brings 3D printed production parts to NASCAR for the first time


Stratasys may have spent the last 18 years working with teams up and down the NASCAR grid, but having now been made a Competition Partner, it has stepped up its involvement in the sport. Specifically, the firm’sStratasys Directarm has begun creating windshield ventilation parts for the series’ Next Gen cars, while NASCAR engineers have also started to 3D print the vehicles’ engine cooling ducts.

“令人兴奋的是,看到NASCAR如何在其车辆中使用增材制造的发展。雷电竞充值我们已经帮助他们从3D印刷原型转变为最终用途的生产部分。” Stratasys战略增长高级副总裁Pat Carey说。“我们很荣幸被任命为NASCAR比赛合作伙伴,并为所有团队提供下一代汽车的第一个最终用途生产零件。”

乔·吉布斯赛车's 2022 vehicle driven by Christopher Bell with a 3D printed windshield air cockpit ventilation unit. Photo via Stratasys.
乔·吉布斯(Joe Gibbs)赛车(Joe Gibbs Racing)的2022 NASCAR挑战者由克里斯托弗·贝尔(Christopher Bell)驾驶,带有3D印刷的挡风玻璃通风单元。通过Stratasys的照片。

NASCAR’s next-generation race cars

Raced annually across the United States, NASCAR is a popular motorsport series with strong roots in abolition-era stock car racing, that has run since 1949. As you’d expect, during the 73 years since, the sport has changed considerably, with its season now a whopping 36 races long, and different formats such as ‘stage racing’ being introduced in 2017 to keep things fresh.

The same can be said of NASCAR vehicles, as while the original ‘Strictly Stock’ series saw entrants like Glenn Dunaway drive a林肯owned by bootlegger Hubert Westmoreland, the sport’s latest cars are far more technical, and thanks to their hefty EFI V8 engines, they’re capable of reaching speeds of over 200 mph.

正如赛车运动的竞争性质一样,NASCAR团队并不总是渴望宣传汽车背后的技术,但是许多人在其运营中使用3D打印。CRP USADC电子以前已经利用该技术开发了NASCAR继电器控制盒电气外壳, 尽管Stewart-Haas Racing拥有3D printed geometrically-optimized brake pedals

在NASCAR的2022杯系列赛中,车队现在运行“ Gen-7”或“ Next Gen”赛车,该车旨在提供与前任相比的下压力,传输和成本优势。但是,正如NASCAR的赛车创新高级副总裁John Probst所解释的那样,实现这些绩效收益所需的高级零件的热要求,使其成为建立的真正挑战。

Probst解释说:“在测试过程中,我们意识到我们需要一种可以承受高温并需要快速交付雷电竞充值的零件的增材制造解决方案。”“我们与Stratasys Direct联系,他们不仅作为供应商,而且作为该项目的顾问交付。他们为我们提供了有关设计,材料和正确的添加剂制造技术的战略指导,用于为下一代汽车创建最高性能零件。”雷电竞充值

“如果没有与Stratasys和Stratasys Direct Manufacturing等NASCAR竞争合作伙伴的合作,下一辆汽车就无法完成。”


Stratasys puts the pedal to the metal

已经与NASCAR团队合作乔·吉布斯赛车Penske Racing,Stratasys显然是一个理想的合作伙伴,可以帮助将这些下一代汽车栩栩如生。接下来是一个将近三年的研发项目,该项目最终达到了创建3D印刷挡风玻璃通风单元和底面NACA管道的最终产品,该导管旨在在今年的车辆上进行最终使用。

前者是由PA11在德克萨斯州贝尔顿的Stratasys Direct设施的PA11生产的H350 3D打印机Stratasys于去年推出,在完成之前,通过DyeMansion设备。通过3D打印零件,据说NASCAR工程师还能够在质量方面达到高水平的一致性,除了每个零件的竞争性和可预测的成本。

就发动机冷却管而言,它们是在其他地方生产的Fortus 450mc。Together with the 3D printed windshield units, these parts are believed to have provided the Next Gen cars with significant aero performance benefits, and after more than 37,000 miles of road testing, they were deployed on the vehicles’ first run in February this year.

乔·吉布斯赛车团队的创始人兼首席执行官乔·吉布斯(Joe Gibbs)补充说:“与Stratasys合作了18年以上,我们对添加剂制造提供的质量,速度和灵活性印象深刻。”雷电竞充值“我们的工作共同通过改善这项运动的新技术帮助了赛车世界。”

杜卡迪·科尔斯(Ducati Corse)的杰克·米勒(Jack Miller)骑着球队的2022 MotoGP挑战者。
杜卡迪联想’s Jack Miller riding the team’s 2022 MotoGP bike. Photo via Ducati Lenovo.


NASCAR is far from the only racing series to have turned to 3D printing in pursuit of performance, and the technology continues to be adopted across the motorsport world. At杜卡迪联想,MotoGP团队现在与Robozeto3D print fairing and bike shielding,作为两者之间新的技术合作伙伴关系的一部分。

在一级方程式赛的世界中,添加剂制造也被广泛地上下部署,雷电竞充值主要用于生产风洞测试组件。帕特·华纳(Pat Warner)在本月初与3D印刷行业讲话时透露,70% of the bodywork on Alpine’s F1 car is prototyped via 3D printing,并在测试过程中进行迭代。

如您所想,参加其他许多系列的团队还利用该技术来制造赛车,并在2020年底宣布Chevrolet-printed parts have racked up over 80,000 racing miles。这些零件包括从油箱到大灯组件的所有内容,都集成到该品牌的汽车中克尔维特,INDYCAR,NASCAR CAMARO和Silverado赛车队。


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特色图片显示Joe Gibbs Racing的2022 NASCAR挑战者由克里斯托弗·贝尔(Christopher Bell)驱动,并带有3D印刷的挡风玻璃座舱通风单元。通过Stratasys的照片。
