
3D印刷新闻切片:Autodesk,Fabrisonic,BMW,3D Metalforge


请继续阅读此信息,包括Sketchfab,Autodesk,Fox,Cam Newton,Immensa Technology Labs,Victrex,Matterhackers,Robo 3D,Robo 3D,Corelink Surgical,Fabrisonic,Beeverycreative,YXLON,YXLON,YXLON,SYDNEY UNISWERSE UNISWERSSNEY和3D METIAL。


Nine 3D printers have been used to create a 14-foot tall replica of the FOX NFL robot for its sports lobby. On commission to West Hollywood special FX shop东西,,,,the robot’s numerous parts are broken down in the diagram below:

3D打印Fox NFL机器人的故障。图片通过3D平台
3D打印Fox NFL机器人的故障。图片通过3D平台

Online 3D content communitySketchFab已经上传了几个虚拟模型凡尔赛城堡。位于法国巴黎郊区,路易十四(Louis XIV)和路易十六世(Louis XVI)的17世纪住宅肯定是一个庆祝活动的节日,尽管这些文件的所有细节都证明有点慢。

Andreas Bastian, a Research Scientist atAutodesk,已经开发了一种标准测试程序Kickstarter。这single .stl file, similar to伊恩·罗宾逊’s酷刑测试,允许用户评估打印机的尺寸准确性,分辨率和对齐方式。Kickstarter认为,该测试将支持其社区的更大透明度。预计校准测试将扩展到其他印刷技术,例如SLA。

有关构建的更多详细信息宝马的3D打印摩托车在加拿大汽车新闻网站的一次访问中已经揭示了驾驶。据报道,S1000RR的底盘由三个部分组成,花了五天到3D打印。在a video在网站上发布,这些零件在选择性激光熔化(SLM)机器上显示了3D打印。

Immensa技术实验室‘ dedication to the advancement of 3D printing throughout the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has now extended to a 3D printed eyewear partnership with会标眼镜,,,,based in Dubai. Custom 3D printed frames produced through this collaboration will soon be available from prices ranging from $353 to $449.

还有一些损失的文物at Brazil’s博物馆have been recreated using 3D printing by Jorge Lopes, at researcher at the里约热内卢教义天主教大学



在其他材料新闻中,来自Fabrisonic突出了使用其专有的潜力超声添加剂制造雷电竞充值(UAM) technology to fuse dissimilar metals and boost a component’s thermal performance.

And,victrexUniversity of Exeter‘s Centre for Additive Layer Manufacturing (CALM) have reinforced theirPaek发展协议本周进行了数百万磅的投资。


3D printing in healthcare

在medicine, the FDA has cleared another3D printed spinal implant用于商业分销。钛M3独立前腰部(ALIF)系统由Corelink手术,使用带有开放孔建筑和亲水芯的“模拟金属”技术。

来自北卡罗来纳州夏洛特的五岁的卡梅隆·海特(Cameron Haight)一直在制作和设计3D打印假肢S今年夏天为自己和其他肢体差异的人,他的英雄,足球明星Cam Newton遇到了。在一起,两个凸轮共享机器人3Dprinted bionic arm design, created forDifferent Heroes,,,,a company launched by young Cam’s parents to raise awareness and acceptance of their child’s condition and others around the world.

卡梅隆·海特(Cameron Haight)和他的英雄卡罗莱纳黑豹(Carolina Panthers)四分卫卡姆·牛顿(Cam Newton)。通过Riot报告的照片
卡梅隆·海特(Cameron Haight)和他的英雄卡罗莱纳黑豹(Carolina Panthers)四分卫卡姆·牛顿(Cam Newton)。Photo via
Riot Report


B2X300 DIY 3D打印机套件is now available from Portuguese desktop 3D printer provider蜜蜂。除了双重挤压,无声的三位加速驾驶员和自动床位,3D打印机还具有50 - 300μm之间的已确认打印分辨率;细丝结束检测;以及功率损失检测和恢复。该系统的有限预订价格为599.90欧元($ 700.55)without tax until October 13th 2018. After this period, the kit will retail for €649.90 ($758.94).

在addition, Global x-ray and CT system manufacturerYxlon添加剂制造商提供的设备吗s for non-destructive testing (NDT).

组装的BX200 3D打印机的框架。ScreenGrab通过Beeverycreative
组装的BX200 3D打印机的框架。ScreenGrab通过Beeverycreative

Metal additive earns new research in Australia, Lloyd’s Regsiter approves new center

悉尼大学Nanoscience Hub is now home to an electron microscope believed to be the most advanced of its kinds throughout Australia. Among the many applications tipped for the microscope’s use Professor Julie Cairney, director at the Australian Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, confirms that some scientists will be using it in “transformational additive manufacturing research for the design of new light alloys for battery materials and other energy technologies.”

180万美元的增材制造中心雷电竞充值(AMC) of Singapore service bureau3D Metalforgehas attained certification from Lloyd’s Register. With this approval, 3D Metalforge’s AMC becomes the fifth of its kind to receive additive manufacturing facility qualification from the classification society, following Australia’sAML技术in August 2018.

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特色图片显示在复制品上切成薄片的徽标,3D打印,Fox NFL机器人。通过Thingergy的原始照片。