
Bavarian AM cluster announced by Technical University of Munich, Oerlikon, GE Additive and Linde

This morning, the Munich Technology Conference (MTC) got underway at TU Munich, Germany with the announcement of plans to create an additive manufacturing cluster.

Conference organizersOerlikontogether with MTC host venue,慕尼黑技术大学GE Additive和Linde将加入“从单个集线器进行研究和开发添加剂制造技术的研究”。雷电竞充值

Oerlikon Group董事会主席Michael Suess教授说:“通过将所有参与者都位于一个枢纽中,我们正在加快该技术在各个行业的开发和应用。”


罗兰·菲舍尔博士, CEO of the Oerlikon Group, added, “The project is an excellent example of close collaboration between industry, academia and politics to innovate and industrialize a technology like additive manufacturing.”

“AM is a technology that supports our aim of providing sustainable solutions for all industries.”

罗兰·菲舍尔博士, CEO of Oerlikon at MTC3. Photo by Tia Vialva
罗兰·菲舍尔博士, CEO of Oerlikon at MTC3. Photo by Tia Vialva


Globally Oerlikon is putting significant resources behind its venture into additive manufacturing. Earlier this year Oerlikon opened a北卡罗来纳州亨特斯维尔(Huntersville)的5500万美元创新枢纽和高级组件生产设施and has research partnerships with international institutions including the斯科尔科沃科学技术学院(Skoltech) in Russia.

The Additive Manufacturing Institute建立在2017年宣布的早期合作伙伴关系的基础上between Oerlikon and TUM. It is anticipated that researchers and students from mechanical and chemical engineering and physics and informatics, plus other relevant faculties, will work with Oerlikon engineers and scientists. Projects are set to include AM for production and address verification and qualification of products. The development of additive manufacturing business models will also be undertaken.



在谈到GE Addivity总裁兼首席执行官AM集群杰森·奥利弗(Jason Oliver)时说:“巴伐利亚已经享有繁荣的生态系统和丰富的人才接缝,成为全球添加技术的全球热点。我们很高兴从一开始就成为该计划的一部分,并期待建立坚实的基础,并为该地区本身和更远的地方带来切实的影响。”

Linde Engineering首席执行官克里斯蒂安·布鲁克(Christian Bruch)博士说:“我们认为合作的机会是对公司和TUM以及该地区的胜利。”“我们预计新的枢纽将为该地区带来工作,同时还将为这里的公司提供新技术和能力。”

Professor Peter Mayr of TU Munich speaking at MTC3. Photo by Tia Vialva.
Professor Peter Mayr of TU Munich speaking at MTC3. Photo by Tia Vialva.

3D印刷行业本周将参加MTC。你可以follow the conference live via our social media channels. Make sure you subscribe to our免费的增材雷电竞充值制造新闻通讯for all the latest news in our industry.

特色图片显示MTC3 Oerlikon首席执行官Roland Fischer博士。Tia Vialva摄影。