
British Army applies Lulzbot 3D printers to peacekeeping in South Sudan

TheBritish Army已经揭示了桌面3D打印机如何帮助其为支持联合国在南苏丹宣教(UNMISS). Part of Operation Trenton, which was launched this summer, the army is tasked with building a hospital to undertake the care of more than 1,000 UN employees.

在该部队发布的官方视频中,该结构所需的基本管道固定装置显示在A上3D打印Lulzbot Taz 63D printer. According to an army representative, the components are fulfilling a demand in the project that would otherwise lead to slow, or halted, construction.


Established in 2011, the objective of UNMISS is “to consolidate peace and security, and help establish conditions for development in the Republic of South Sudan.” Initially, set to last one year, the Security Council has continued to extend the UNMISS mandate, and it is now set for March 2019, after which point it demands opposing parties must end the fight.



“This is the first time this technology has been used by UK land forces deployed on operations.”


The Lulzbot TAZ 6 has a build volume of 280 mm x 280 mm x 250 mm
(11.02″ x 11.02″ x 9.80″) making it capable of producing prints “up to the size of football.”

The LulzBot TAZ 6 3D printer. Photo via LulzBot.
The LulzBot TAZ 6 3D printer. Photo via LulzBot.

Most of the components produced for Operation Trenton are plumbing parts, including simple brackets, for affixing pipes to walls, and complex junctions, which can channel liquids from three different directions. The turnaround time for these parts is typically less than 12 hours, a dramatic reduction on the weeks it would usually take for a part to be shipped and delivered to the site. In addition, low materials costs and eradicated postage/package, deliver significant cost reductions to the force.

Lulzbot in the military

在过去的几年中,美国海军陆战队作为Lulzbot TAZ 6 3D打印机的一部分,下一代物流initiative.



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