
引入“移动龙门” 3D打印机,该打印机可以促进火星的未来殖民化


Unlike other proposed off-world habitat-building platforms, which are restricted to single-site production, the team’s ‘Mobile Gantry’ is mounted on wheels, enabling it to traverse planetary surfaces and print on-demand. Thanks to this flexibility and the machine’s ‘gantry without rails’ layout, its creators say it could allow for the “sequential building” of Martian bases, with areas that open as they’re ready.

The engineers' 'Mud Dauber' Mobile Gantry 3D printer prototype. Image via Taylor University.
The engineers’ ‘Mud Dauber’ Mobile Gantry 3D printer prototype. Image via Taylor University.

Preparing for Martian colonization

In recent years, space agencies and contractors around the world have begun to accelerate their preparations for new exploratory missions. These don’t just include the likes ofNASA的Artemis计划旨在到2025年将人类返回月球,但计划将轨道和着陆器送往红色星球,由美国,中国,俄罗斯,日本和印度等机构组织。

围绕未来的外星任务引起的众多问题之一,是最好在寒冷的空间真空中建立永久可居住的基地的方式。如果要在Terra Firma上建造设施并向Lunar或Martian着陆点开火,那么它们在天文学上的推出将是昂贵的,并且对定居者人口的增长受到限制。

同样,使用传统的制造方法在行星表面上建立,这将被许多因素(尤其是建筑材料的运输运输)变得困难,因此3D打印已成为替代方案。从理论上讲,至少可以通过该技术处理像Lunar Regolith这样的资源,再加上其固有的灵活性可以实现独特的模块化结构。



Introducing the ‘Mobile Gantry’




With further R&D, the engineers believe that Mobile Gantry systems have the potential to enable the “parallel construction” of sites “with vast internal volumes” and tapered junctions that allow for their expansion. Given the size and simplicity of their design, the team also anticipate that in future, their bot can be deployed in packs, as a way of “completing prints much faster with a higher quality.”

A 3D rendering of the Moonrise laser 3D printer. Image via LZH.
车辆安装的激光3D打印机的3D渲染是“ Moonrise Project”的一部分。图片通过Laser Zentrum Hannover的图像。

Lunar 3D打印的进展

Lunar regolith-based 3D printing approaches continue to gain momentum as a means of building resilient, habitable infrastructure for settlers on the Moon. Just last year, it was revealed that the新南威尔士大学had been drafted in to help卢伊滕发展它Platypus Galacticas 3D printer这是一个9m x 12m龙门架系统的系统,旨在帮助澳大利亚竞标永久的月球存在。

Netherlands-based firmMX3D同时,已经提出了骨骼3D打印的月球地板概念用于原型European Space Agency月球定居。使用增材制造雷电竞充值公司,该公司在从轻质钢中生产它的同时,已经能够实现其流畅,类似网络的设计,当时,据说可以将功能监控系统嵌入到结构中。

在其他地方,在更实验的层面上,科学家Braunschweig技术大学andLaser Zentrum Hannover也开发了一个lunar rover with 3D printing capabilities。作为其项目的一部分,代号为“ Moonrise”,研究人员已经设法将激光器安装到“ Mira3D”车辆上,然后才利用它将Moondust融化为大型球形原型结构。

研究人员的发现在其论文中详细介绍了“移动龙门:火星上3D打印结构的机器人建筑,” which was co-authored by Peter Staritz, Caleb Miller and Josiah McClurg.

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