
Building an MIT FabLab in Maine

The MIT Club of Maine is giving their members and friends a great opportunity to get to know more about digital fabrication and 3D printing. Lead bySarah Boisvertalong with the MIT Center, the plan is to open the a FabLab in Brunswick Landing – the former Naval Air Station in Maine.

Sarah Boisvert

There will be an MIT Maine Club info event held at theWoodlands ClubFalmouth on January 25, 2013, where Ms. Boisvert will explain:

  • just exactly what a FabLab is all about
  • how a FabLab is different from locations that just happen to own a 3D printer
  • what equipment is in a FabLab and what it can be used to make
  • what are the benefits of a FabLab for education [K – PhD], job training, business creation, innovation
  • how MIT alumni can get involved and support the project.

A cash bar service is offered from 11.30 am, and a buffet luncheon will be served at 12.15 PM.

If you would like to attend this event, pleasesend a checkfor $20 per person to the MIT Maine Club Treasurer. The check needs to arrive before 12 pm Wednesday January 23. Or you can make your reservation through a credit payment on theclub’s website. You can also invite friends to join.

About MIT Club of Maine

There are about 610 MIT alumni living in Maine, and about 100 are members of the MIT alumni club. We have one of the highest percentages in the country of resident alums who are active members of the Club.

Most of the resident alums, and most of our Club members, live in the southern part of the state, primarily in the Portland area, with smaller groups near Bangor and Orono, Bar Harbor, and in the Mid-coast area. We have a directory listing all resident alums in the state, with sortings by town-of-residence, course, and class year. It’s a great resource if you’re interested in finding other alums who might live near you, or share common interests. The directory is sent to all alums who join the Club, as long as our supplies last.点击这里if you’d like to sign up and receive a directory.

The Club is very active, especially in the spring and fall. The following sections describe the kinds of activities that the Club sponsors. If you have ideas or suggestions for a Club event that you’d like us to consider, please email the Club president,Dean Zeilon ’55.