
Canada’s AM metal powder industry gets $8M boost at Equispheres


Equishperes的总部位于安大略省渥太华,安大略省,并在金属3D打印的绿色效果上行驶,在BDC持续不断地承诺高电位的承诺中加拿大清洁技术firms. The investment is also the latest advance in the nation’s growing metal powder manufacturing stronghold, already home to rival materials companies such as GE Additive’sAP&CPyroGenesis.


The secret to Equisphere’s success is a patent-pending method of powder atomization that produces near-perfect spherical metal powders. The uniformity and smoothness of these powders make them the ideal feedstock for additive manufacturing systems, asheterogeneous particles can lead to quality discrepancies in the final part.On the strength of its proprietary technology, Equispheres also previously received a$5 million investmentfrom American global aerospace and defense companyLockheed Martin.

气体血浆雾化is one of the methods used by Equishperes competitors to create powders of such high quality and homogeneity. Another is the弗雷,远处和陈工艺,由英国金属粉生产商持有Metalysis.

equispheres' metal powders (left) vs other atomized powder (right) with highlighted particle agglomerates (orange, green) and variable particle size (yellow). Image via Equispheres



BDC的CleanTech倡议于2018年1月首次启动,将在未来四年内向加拿大的合格公司授予7亿加元的资金。BDC清洁技术实践副总裁Susan Rohac评论说:“这项对Equispheres的投资是BDC为支持创新的加拿大清洁技术公司以扩展世界领导人的悠久历史的一部分。”

“ Equispheres具有积极的增长愿景,并且由于其新颖,无与伦比的产品,强大的管理团队和技术知识,因此在迅速扩展的行业中占据了范围的规模。”

由于环境的努力,加拿大环境与气候变化部长凯瑟琳·麦肯纳(Catherine McKenna)最近还访问了Equispheres,上面图所示,他称其为“一家了不起的渥太华地区清洁技术公司”。通过Karen McCrimmon的照片
For its environmental efforts, Equispheres was also recently visited by Catherine McKenna, Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change pictured above, who called it “an amazing Ottawa-area cleantech company.” Photo via Karen McCrimmon

According to Kevin G. Nicholds, President, CEO and Executive Director of Equispheres, BDC’s $8 million investment will be used to help scale-up production and meet powder supply demands from aerospace and automotive customers. Nicholds concluded:

“We are excited to receive the $8 million investment from BDC’s Cleantech practice.”

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