
桌面金属将TI64符合Studio System上的3D打印金属零件2

Nominations for the2021 3D印刷行业奖are now open, have your say who is leading the industry now.

3D打印机制造商桌面金属已有资格使用钛合金Ti64在其Studio System 2 Metal 3D打印平台中使用。

Desired for its high tensile strength, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility, Ti64 is the most widely used titanium alloy. The material is particularly suited for the production of high-performance metal parts within the aerospace, defense,汽车,石油和天然气,以及医疗部门


“Titanium has been a challenging material for bound metal 3D printing because it is both extremely reactive in powder form and difficult to sinter,” said Jonah Myerberg, Co-founder and CTO of Desktop Metal. “We are excited to be the first to commercialize the most common titanium alloy, Ti64, for 3D printing through our high-performance titanium parts.”

桌面金属' Studio System 2. Photo via Desktop Metal.


Launched in February, Desktop Metal’sStudio System 2金属添加剂制造雷电竞充值平台专为高性能金属零件的小体积生产而设计。对办公室友好的系统利用公司的专有金属沉积(BMD)技术,由打印机和炉子组成,以简化零件的内部生产。

The technology eliminates loose powders and lasers often associated with metal 3D printing in favor of bound metal rod extrusion, which involves a metal powder with a polymer binder. The Studio System 2 is capable of fabricating parts with a variety of complex geometries, an excellent surface finish and high-performance mechanical properties.

除了其针对TI64的新资格外,Studio System 2还与316L不锈钢兼容,以及以前由原始挤出的所有材料工作室系统。目前,该系统的其他材料目前正在进行研发,新版本计划于今年晚些时候推出。

机器支架3D在Studio System 2上打印在Ti64中。照片通过桌面金属照片。
机器支架3D在Studio System 2上打印在Ti64中。照片通过桌面金属照片。

Ti64 3D打印零件的关键应用

According to Desktop Metal, Ti64 metal parts printed on the Studio System 2 demonstrate excellent mechanical properties of 730 MPa yield strength, 845 MPa ultimate tensile strength, and 17 percent elongation. In fact, these properties exceed those set by ASTM F2885-17 standards for metal injection molded surgical implant applications, a key application for the material on the Studio System 2.

桌面金属已经完成了几种用例使用TI64在Studio System 2上打印的用例,该用例与Legacy Powder Bed Fusion(PBF)机器相比,它促进了更容易访问的平台。这样的用例涉及在Ti64中设计和打印机器支架,并用甲状腺晶格填充填充物,代替17-4HP不锈钢。3D在工作室系统2上打印新设计可将零件的重量降低近60%,同时保留所需的功能强度和刚度。

另一个成功的用例涉及3D打印小型望远镜聚焦环,该望远镜将镜头固定在移动望远镜上。Studio System 2能够在不到24小时的时间内在TI64中打印六个环,这比制造低量生产环制造环的传统方法要快得多,有效,这需要投资昂贵的工具或定制固定。

Studio System 2还展示了如何在TI64中制造无人机耦合,同时可以显着减轻重量,同时保持无人机框架所需的结构完整性。该系统能够在将其转移到大规模生产之前,每周生产15至25个无人机耦合,而无需进行工具或加工。

(从左到右)无人机耦合,喷射器喷嘴,望远镜焦点环3D在Studio System 2上印刷在钛合金2中。
(从左到右)无人机耦合,喷射器喷嘴,望远镜焦点环3D在Studio System 2上印刷在钛合金2中。



With the Studio System 2, engineers can test a variety of design iterations of the nozzle in a matter of days and print four versions of the nozzle in less than 24 hours.

卫星公司Privateer Space的联合创始人史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)表示:“由于材料具有支持复杂和轻量级设计的能力,使用钛的3D打印在航空航天等行业中非常有价值。”“借助Studio System 2,Privateer Space的团队将能够实现为我们的卫星设计和发射铺平道路所需的负担能力和轻巧功能。

“This technology is truly a differentiator in helping companies to accelerate innovations in space and, through the material advancements that Desktop Metal is making, we have an amazing opportunity to collaborate and keep space accessible for future generations.”


Nominations for the2021 3D印刷行业奖are now open, have your say who is leading the industry now.

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特色图片显示(从左到右)无人机耦合,喷射器喷嘴,望远镜焦点环3D在Studio System 2上印刷在钛合金2中。