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Roboze的创始人兼首席执行官Alessio Lorusso表示:“我们正在努力完善整个供应链的管理层,并在所有必要的努力下。”“ 3D打印技术可能是对抗CO2排放的解决方案之一,从而减少了运输和按时的运输和生产。

“But if we don’t take serious actions and continue to generate plastic waste, then we will only become part of the problem.”

机器人's circular economy model. Image via Roboze.


除了制造其高温融合丝丝制(FFF)3D打印机外,Roboze还以其开发“超级参与” Ultra-Rigid热塑性塑料(例如Carbon PA和Carbon Peek)雷电竞app下载而闻名。


推出了公司的推出Roboze 3D零件分布式3D打印服务last year. The service aims to help businesses reduce their costs through streamlining their supply chains, digitalizing their inventories, and producing components on-demand.

Roboze 3D零件网络的目的最终是通过在世界各地的微观事件的分散生产模型来使生产重新恢复使用点。该网络看到配备了机器人系统的专业3D打印中心,该中心分布在全球范围内,这些系统在需要的地方和何时何时何地生产部分,以减少最终用户的成本和时间,以及仓库中的运输和过量库存。

Both Roboze Automate and the Roboze 3D Parts Network are contributing to reducing the environmental impact of both the company and its customers. The firm is looking to safeguard the environment by instigating a shift towards more responsible production models and energy-efficient processes that optimize the consumption of materials and energy.

3D prints from Roboze. Photo via Roboze.
3D prints from Roboze. Photo via Roboze.

Recovering and processing waste


这waste material and printed parts will then be processed to produce a circular economy 3D printing material that customers will be able to receive at a much lower price than the original. Not only will this reduce the environmental impact of the firm’s 3D printing materials and parts, Roboze says, but it will also help to democratize its 3D printing technology by offering the recycled material at a lower price point to its customers.


这principle of a circular economy. Image via Fillamentum.
这principle of a circular economy. Image via Fillamentum.

Circularity in 3D printing materials


需要further research into how the circularity can be fully appliedwithin the 3D printing sector has been recently highlighted by researchers from theUniversidade NOVA de Lisboa开源collabora (UNIDEMI),声称更大tion between industry partners could pave the way towards addressing the UN’s sustainability goals with additive manufacturing.

So far, there has been some progress already made to develop circular 3D printing materials. For instance, 3D printing filament vendorReflow已经设计了一系列环保的‘Seaglass’ translucent materials由本地采购的塑料制成,而3D打印材料生产商recreus已经推出了一个100%回收的柔性TPU丝由鞋类部门的废料制成。

Elsewhere, 3D printing filament producer Fillamentum’s100%可生物降解的非油丝, 最近showcased at Expo 2020 in Dubai,还可以遵守循环经济概念,因为它可以一次又一次地重复使用。

圆形的3D打印材料也是从更晦涩的来源设计的,例如lignin from plant cell walls,,,,垃圾填埋的废物,,,,plastic water bottles, 乃至termite and boring insect waste




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Featured image showsRoboze的循环经济模式。通过机器人图像。

有关此主题的更多信息 开源ML算法加速新的3D打印材料