

瑞典粘合剂喷射金属3D打印机制造商Digital Metal已经推出了两个用于极限应用的超级合金。新的等级为DM 247和DM 625,是针对与航空航天,汽车和工业领域中3D打印兼容的超合金材料需求不断增长的。

由于其出色的机械性能,超级合金旨在在极端条件下使用,但是,在3D打印中很难使用一些不可用的坡度。Digital Metal声称其粘合剂喷射工艺克服了防止超合金兼容添加剂制造的障碍。雷电竞充值数字金属总经理拉尔夫·卡尔斯特罗姆(RalfCarlström)说:“我们一直从各种大型公司收到这些材料的合格要求。”“航空航天和汽车业务中的许多生产商长期以来一直期待适合3D打印的高质量超级合金。”

“Now we can offer them the perfect combination – our unique binder jetting technology and superalloys that are specially developed for our printers.”

数字金属DM P2500 3D打印机。摄于博·杰克逊(Beau Jackson)
数字金属DM P2500 3D打印机。摄于博·杰克逊(Beau Jackson)

DM P2500

Digital Metal is the manufacturer of theDM P2500 metal 3D printer,,,,a binder jetting metal additive system that has demonstrated the capacity to makehighly detailed components在决议35µm。这台机器提供了”caled build platform of 203 x 180 x 69 mm however, as parts shrink after printing the scaled build platform is 170 x 150 x 57 mm. Once the binder jet 3D printing process is complete, a secondary sintering process is then required to remove the binders. The company’s high-precision 3D metal printing was awardedInnovation of the Yearat the2019 3D Printing Industry Awards

Digital Metal’s 3D printers have found customers in theautomotive and aerospace industries,来自像Koenigsegg,,,,沃尔沃,,,,and霍尼韦尔Cetim,法国机械工业技术中心已安装两台金属3D打印机雷电竞app下载from the company at its site in Cluses. Recently, Digital Metal announced that the global standards organizationUL LLChas completed测试其DM P2500系统。Following this, UL certification can be applied, making the DM P2500 safe for the U.S. and Canadian markets.

Alexander Sakratidis, Sales & Marketing Manager, Digital Metal AB, accepts the award for 2019 Innovation of the Year. This year, the trophy was awarded for Digital Metal’s precision 3D metal printing technology. Photo by Felix Li for 3D Printing Industry
Alexander Sakratidis, Sales & Marketing Manager, Digital Metal AB, accepts the award for 2019 Innovation of the Year. This year, the trophy was awarded for Digital Metal’s precision 3D metal printing technology. Photo by Felix Li for 3D Printing Industry

Superalloy compatibility with Digital Metal binder jetting process


The company’s binder jetting process solves these problems as it is able to 3D print in an ambient temperature, without the application of heat. Furthermore, during the separate sintering step, the superalloy is densified without melting, and requires minimal thermal gradients during cooling from the sintering temperature.

Digital Metal的DM 247和DM 625 Superalloys都对公司进行了广泛的测试,以确保它们满足客户的期望。DM 247基于MAR M247 Superaly,这是一种不可用的材料,通常用于涡轮叶片和其他温度升高的应用中。另一方面,DM 625 AM Superalloy是一种625年级的材料,可以在从海水应用和化学加工设备到核工业和航空航天的地区实施。

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