
FIT AG investing in future of 3D printing for production with EOS purchase

FIT AG德国添加剂制造专家,已雷电竞充值在将3D打印投入生产方面进行了巨大的投资。

在德国,位于卢普堡,鲍尔 - 亨,费尔德基尔钦和埃奇的德国,以及在克朗斯塔特 /布拉索夫(罗马尼亚),纳戈亚(日本)和马萨诸塞州波士顿的国际上。Fit AG雇用330多名员工。

添加剂制雷电竞充值造专家现已购买了五个EOSM 400-4 systems. The machines will be used to create an industrial 3D printing factory geared towards serial production.

EOS已经领导着将添加剂制造作为未来智能工厂的核心组成部分的整合 - 一个例子是雷电竞充值慕尼黑的空客航空航天工厂. The new deal will see EOS act as a strategic partner with FIT AG as the metal 3D printers are brought into service to provide components for the automotive, medical technology and aerospace sectors.

A satellite bracket 3D printed on the EOS M 400. Photo by Michael Petch.
A satellite bracket 3D printed on the EOS M 400. Photo by Michael Petch.

High productivity additive manufacturing systems

EOS M400-4金属添加剂制造系统的构雷电竞充值建体积为400 x 400 x 400毫米,并由四个激光器供电。

本周早些时候,在慕尼黑从EOS我听到更多founder, Dr. Hans Langer about how his company is set to further expand the throughput of EOS 3D printers. One aspect EOS is increasing the number of lasers in their systems, Dr. Langer says a high productivity additive manufacturing platform with ten lasers is in development.

转向生产的另一个要素是增加构建量。3D打印行业已经看到了几个预览雷竞技在线登录EOSnext generation polymer additive manufacturing system定于下个月在法兰克福举行的Formnext活动上推出。

Langer博士在本周早雷竞技在线登录些时候在慕尼黑第一技术会议上预览了EOS P 500 Polymer 3D打印机。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片
Langer博士在本周早雷竞技在线登录些时候在慕尼黑第一技术会议上预览了EOS P 500 Polymer 3D打印机。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片

在谈到Fit AG的最新投资时,首席执行官Carl Fruth说:“新一代的EOS系统不仅说服了我们生产的组件的出色质量,而且最重要的是具有开放式界面,这使我们能够无缝地整合这些组件机器在我们的质量保证概念中 - 朝着实现工业规模的组件添加剂制造迈出的又一个重要一步。”雷电竞充值


Dr. Adrian Keppler, CEO of EOS GmbH, continued “I am delighted that over 20 years of successful collaboration between EOS and FIT AG in the field of additive manufacturing of polymer parts are now being extended to include metal components. Carl Fruth of FIT AG is one of the most experienced pioneers in 3D printing manufacturing. We are therefore proud that he has placed his trust in EOS when it comes to establishing his AM factories. The investment in five EOS M 400-4 systems shows that our solutions are ideally suitable for an integrated large-scale AM production scenario.”

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特色图片显示了Fit AG的设施可用的一些设备。通过Fit AG的照片。