
Flashforge USA戏弄黑色星期五和网络星期一销售

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桌面3D打印机制造商FlashForge USA在这个黑色星期五和网络星期一,嘲笑了计划在其一些最受欢迎的系统上推出Flash销售的计划。

尽管美国Flashforge USA尚未透露这些“神秘交易”将在促销之前包括什么,但它揭示了它计划在其一些畅销书上的“巨额折扣”。

诸如Artemis,Creator Max 2和Adventurer 3 V2之类的机器都将在不久的将来打折,使这些初学者和更重的双挤出机机器比以往任何时候都更容易访问。

Once launched, customers canaccess FlashForge USA’s flash sale here

Flashforge USA Flash Sale网站。图片Flashforge USA。
Flashforge USA Flash Sale网站。图片Flashforge USA。

Flashforge USA的桌面3D打印

Founded in 2013, FlashForge USA specializes in developing desktop 3D printers and 3D printing materials around its core tenets of accessibility and reliability. Over the last nine years, the firm’s offering has found applications everywhere from print farms to design studios, in the fields of engineering, education, medical, industry and architecture.

Until recently, this portfolio has been made up of accessibility-led machines such as the冒险家3冒险家4,以及中端3D打印机雷电竞app下载创作者最大Creator 3 Pro。该公司于2021年随着高规格的推出而改变了路线创建者4, featuring a large 400 x 350 x 500mm build volume and a IIDEX (Interchangeable Independent Dual Extruder System).

自推出以来,其新的旗舰系统已经找到了消费品,电子产品,医疗保健和工具应用,而美国Flashforge USA继续使用辅助工具来支持它。例如,为了帮助采用者满足要求的用例,该公司已启动灯丝雪茄柜,旨在存储对水分敏感的材料,并确保在商业环境中的印刷可靠性。

在其他地方,在其投资组合的牙科方面,Flashforge USA也引入了Hunter S。多亏了它的强大Texas Instruments轻型发动机,该系统能够以高度可靠性和质量从一系列第三方树脂中打印出牙齿夹板,指南,牙冠和桥梁,包括由雷竞技官网登录NextDentDentona

Flashforge USA的Hunter S 3D打印机。图片通过Flashforge USA。
Flashforge USA的Hunter S 3D打印机。图片通过Flashforge USA。


Interestingly, FlashForge USA has opted to introduce offers on machines with three different capability sets as part of its upcoming promotion. The first of these, the orange version of the newly-launchedArtemis, will essentially drop the price of a system that’s already designed from the ground up to meet the needs of those just getting started with 3D printing.

That said, the Artemis’ accessibility doesn’t come at the expense of productivity, and it comes fitted with a direct drive extruder system that can be heated to 260°C (500°F). This ensures smooth feeding, especially when using flexible polymers like TPUs, while extending its material compatibility and potential applications. The Artemis’ 190 x 195 x 200 mm build volume is also more than sufficient for everyday needs, while its swappable plate allows users to customize it where needed.

冒险家3 V2, the firm is discounting a scaled-back, lightweight, and compact consumer-grade system. The machine not only ships with a steel nozzle that can be removed with one clip, and rapidly heats up to 200°C (392°F) in just 50 seconds, but it comes with an extra build plate and nozzle accessories as well.

Flashforge USA的Artemis 3D打印机。图片通过Flashforge。
Flashforge USA的Artemis 3D打印机。图片通过Flashforge。


这third machine going on offer is the创建者最大2, a more capable system with independent dual extruders and a fully-enclosed build chamber. Thanks to the former, users are able to double their throughput, by manufacturing either mirrored or duplicated parts side-by-side on the same flexible, removable build plate.


这FlashForge Creator Max 2. Photo via FlashForge.
Flashforge Creator Max 2.通过Flashforge USA的照片。

FlashForge USA’s flash promotion

目前,Flashforge USA的交易的细节在地面上仍然很薄,但是有兴趣利用优势的人不必等待很长时间才能找到更多。

Once launched, the company’s fall promotions are only set to be available on the Artemis Orange, Creator Max 2 and Adventurer 3 V2 for a limited time, from November 25-28, 2022.

Interested in discovering more about the firm’s portfolio? Check out theFlashforge USA网站为了在其3D打印产品上进行全面细分,FlashForge USA flash sale here

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Featured image shows a student engineer using an Adventurer 3 V2 3D printer. Photo via FlashForge USA.