
天才:未来的100个异象, the world’s first 3D printed book

英国工业设计师Ron Arad, has designed a 3D printed book to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

The project was completed in collaboration with the希伯来大学的加拿大朋友(CFHU), an NGO for the promotion ofHebrew University of Jerusalem,由阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)共同创立的大学。

天才100, a Canadian-based community of humanitarians for inspiring visionaries of the future, initiated the project.

Genius 100的业务发展负责人朱莉·托斯坎·卡萨尔(Julie Toskan Casale)说:“天才100团队开始做似乎不可能的事情:制作一本书,推动了技术界限的同时,同时分享了100种不同和充满活力的思想领导者的智慧。全球。”

“看到这个项目通过有史以来的第一本印刷书籍实现了生命,这是Genius 100社区的一个令人难以置信的骄傲时刻,这是一项前所未有的倡议,真正地说明了我们在全球范围内启发创造性思维的目标。”

天才:未来的100个异象。Image via Genius: 100 Visions
天才:未来的100个异象。Image via Genius: 100 Visions

Designing a 3D printed book

3D打印的好处之一是其完成复杂形式的能力。该技术使艺术家和设计师探索艺术和制造的局限性。For example, a recently concludedpurmundus design challengeinvited contestants from around the world to envision the design of the future.

Ron Aradchose 3D printing for similar reasons, partly due to its design and also because it is a technology of the future. Arad has also used 3D printing in the past to make3D printed glasses

Arad是国际知名的,曾在意大利家具设计师等公司工作Kartell, 和以公共雕塑而闻名Vortext in Seoul, a 17m high spiral sculpture, and Kesher sculpture in特拉维夫大学


Vortext,由Ron Arad设计的公共雕塑。图片通过罗恩·阿拉德(​​Ron Arad)
Vortext,由Ron Arad设计的公共雕塑。图片通过罗恩·阿拉德(​​Ron Arad)


The 3D printed book is made up of a hundred one-page essays from hundred visionaries around the world. These people are chosen from various fields such as humanities, science, law, literature, and art, each contributing a one-page essay to the book. The names included in the book are the likes of Salman Rushdie, the author of Midnight’s Children, and Dr. Shinya Yamanaka, a Nobel Laureate in Stem Cell Research. Another eleven Nobel Laureates also feature in the book.

Made in the likeness of Einstein, the Genius book was prototyped using aMade in Space3D打印机International Space Station。这本书本身是由Digits2widgets打印的,使用EOS P 396, an SLS 3D printer. It is 40 cm in length, 30 cm wide, and 15 cm thick.

天才:未来的100个异象will be showcased next year at the西格蒙德·弗洛伊德博物馆在维也纳。

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