
German company Neotech AMT announces two new fully additive 3D printed electronics projects

德国电子3D打印公司Neotech Amt GmbH宣布将参与两个新项目以推动增材制造。雷电竞充值

The first project, known as ‘Hyb-Man’, will bring together 11 partner groups from Germany and the Netherlands with the aim of developing hybrid manufacturing techniques. While the second project – AMPECS – will focus on the printing of ceramic substrates.


Patented technology

Neotech董事总经理Martin Hedges博士解释说,该公司拥有专利的3D打印技术,并具有“工业运输证明ck record.” Speaking about the two new projects, he says

We have been working on combining 3D Printed Electronics with classical 3D Printing of mechanical structures and these new projects will accelerate the development. The ability to use fully Additive Manufacture to create complete 3D mechatronic systems enables many novel applications across diverse industries. The resultant process lines will address the needs for low volume agile manufacture within a single platform.

A fully 3D printed heater. Image via Neotech AMT.
A fully 3D printed heater. Image via Neotech AMT.


虽然听起来像一个超级英雄,Hyb-Man实际ly an EU PENTA project which means it is supported by the EU’s EUREKA innovation cluster. According to Neotech, the project will look to develop a new hybrid manufacturing process that uses 3D printed polymers as well as 3D printed electronics. Such a process chain will integrate quality monitoring and in-line testing processes. By combining 3D printed electronics with the printing of other materials, Neotech can provide full solutions for the creation of electronic devices. As the company explains,

The outcome of the project will be improved Additive Manufacturing processes, a hybrid manufacturing production cell and prototypes of integrated electrical products (LEDs,使用混合制造电池制造的汽车自适应传感器)。

Albuquerque-based company Optomec is currently developing its own electronics 3D printing technologies and最近创建了GE的3D打印涡轮刀片传感器


Ceramic printing

Neotech’s second project will involve a German-Spanish consortium and funding from the European Union’s Manunet Program. This program was set up to support “innovation-driven, close-to-market research and development projects in manufacturing。” Known as ‘AMPECS’, this project will primarily be concerned with the development ofceramic 3D printing以称赞其电子3D打印。3D可打印的陶瓷材料旨在用于极端环境应用,以利用该材料的先进耐热特性。

借助这两个新项目,该公司将其称为相互支持,Neotech将寻求扩展其3D打印技术并加快一般工业采用。尽管在扩展的3D印刷电子行业的其他地方,Optomec一直在granted a $3 million research project立陶宛公司正在开发电子生产的超声波3D打印机

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Featured image shows a circuit board created using 3D printing technology. Image via Neotech.