
Helio Additive to launch new slicing software that ‘increases 3D printing output and reliability’

中国软件启动Helio Additivehas unveiled plans to launch a new program that’s designed to help makers everywhere ramp up their part throughput and consistency.


In doing so, the firm says that its technology enables users to better avoid print failures, achieve an up to ten times greater cost-per-part ratio, and ultimately to “supercharge” their entire 3D printing workflow.

“In the last five years, hardware in 3D printing has outpaced the growth of software capabilities, leaving a bottleneck for companies ready to adopt additive [manufacturing] in their workflow,” said Helio Additive CEO David Hartmann. “At Helio, our aim is to diminish the void between software and hardware and ultimately increase the output and reliability of 3D printed parts in production.”

The home page of Helio Additive’s software. Image via Helio Additive.

Helio Additive’s novel AI engine

根据日光反射信号器添加剂,平均的six 3D prints fails and the technology has a ‘scrap rate’ of over 80%, thus it has costs that are “far too high” compared to those of mainstream manufacturing. What’s more, additive manufacturing adopters intending to use the technology for serial production applications often need quality guarantees, something the firm says are currently lacking in the sector.


“The new generation of printers and materials have extremely powerful performance envelopes, but are printing at roughly one fifth of their maximum speed,” explains Helio Additive. “At the same time, engineers struggle with repeatability and prints fail up to five times, before getting a print right. Helio’s physics-based software uses machine learning and physics simulation to improve repeatability of printed parts by linking the printing process with required outcomes.”

Although Helio Additive acknowledges that the way a system’s hot-end affects prints as it passes over them can be different, with polymers like PLA not suffering so much from temperature change, it highlights how the higher thermal coefficient of materials like PC and PA sometimes causes them to encounter quality issues when subjected to short bursts of heat.

Utilizing its platform, the company believes that users not only stand to improve the layer adhesion and geometric compliance of these parts, but provide their machines with a process-optimizing ‘brain.’ In fact, while the firm remains in the early stages of rolling the software out, it anticipates that in future, this ‘brain’ could even be used to help more new adopters enter serial production.

3D打印对象的三维视图,由水平应力放松颜色。Image via Helio Additive.


自2020年在长舒市建立以来,Helio添加剂已经着手制定其核心技术并将其部署在制造环境中。在那个时候,该公司已经组建了一支团队,具有很强的学术和部门专业知识,包括ExcompersCovestro人大卫·哈特曼,其首席技术官Zhenqing李和Priyesh Patel, who hail fromOhio StateandUCL分别。

目前,Helio Addivity现在只有十个团队,现在开始扩展其商业和技术团队,据说正在积极招募长沙和上海的工程师,数据科学家和程序员,以帮助其持续的扩张。

Another way the company is seeking to gain traction in the 3D printing sector is via industry partnerships, and it recently announced such a collaboration with Amesos as well as one of its investors,聚合物。与两家公司一起工作,Helio添加剂设置为帮助他们磨练new high-speed 3D printing approachthey announced earlier this year.

围绕Amesos的刀片1系统和一种定制的聚合物材料,这些公司表示,他们的“ FFF 2.0”方法将解决与常规FFF 3D打印相关的许多缺点,尤其是周围的吞吐量。

Aside from the R&D work it’s conducting as part of the project, Helio Additive is also working on a standalone version of its software, which it intends to bring to market. As of yet, there’s no confirmed date for the platform’s alpha release, but it’s expected to be launched at some point later this year, and the firm’s actively looking for partners to test its capabilities.

Those interested in finding out more aboutHelio Additive’s physics-based AI enginecan do so via its website.

David Hartmann, CEO of Helio Additive.
David Hartmann, CEO of Helio Additive. Photo via Helio Additive.

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Featured image shows the home page of Helio Additive’s software. Image via Helio Additive.