


Founded by Jonathan Beck, Scan the World uses a range of 3D scanning techniques to capture art from across the globe. Once digitized, the scans are made available for free and are widely used by educators, the 3D printing community and other artists.


我赶上了乔纳森·贝克(Jonathan Beck),以了解有关该项目如何发展的更多信息,以及世界上最大的3D可打印艺术系列的下一步。

3D打印行业: Congratulations on reaching this landmark of 10,000 scanned objects.

Jonathan Beck: Thank you! And many thanks to the whole 3DPI team for your support in documenting the project’s progress over the past year.


JB: Collecting 10,000 sculptures is obviously no easy feat, and an archive of this calibre would have not been possible without the support from a dedicated community helping to build and maintain it.

当我在2014年首次发起该计划时,我的前几百个雕塑被扫描,作为我与朋友和其他摄影爱好者一起进行的一系列“扫描仪”的一部分。我们会选择一个victim伦敦的机构,例如维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆or大英博物馆,,,,and teach each other the process of photogrammetry. Once set up, we’d let loose on the collections as to gather as many scans as we could. From thereon it was a lot of guerrilla scanning; a commission from an artist in Paris led to me scanning the entire collection of theRMN的演员铸造厂without them noticing, and thenThe Louvreunder the noses of security guards, and so on.


这一直持续到该项目被邀请我们展出的V&A接收到该项目。一个脆弱的世界’在La Biennale di Venezia。从那时起,我们与机构在进行各种研讨会和扫描旅行方面进行了一系列合作,使用结构化的轻扫描仪开始更快地开始数字化,并以更可靠的质量进行数字化数字化。这并不意味着我们不使用或接受社区的摄影测量扫描,我们一直在鼓励人们冒险并拍照!

3DPI: How is the 3D printing community using the models from Scan the World?

JB:老实说,我总是惊讶于模型的最终结果。每种型号都是3D可打印的,我认为这与使数据免费访问和适当存档一样重要,因此Myminifactory的Maker Community经常非常忙于制作一些令人难以置信的印刷品。

我已经看到了一些很棒的举措,可以很好地利用这些物体,从在教室里打印雕塑到通过各种扫描的汇编制作壁炉的人。Laocoon和他的儿子们还看到了他的行动,除了被CNC磨练了Mardi Gras Float之外,他也是Myminifactory和Virtual Foundry为3D印刷行业颁发的成功竞争的结果,这是由3D印刷行业奖,这是由Myminifactory和Virtual Foundry颁发的。印刷的痴迷可能是在这里下载


一边打印,在今年早些时候我被介绍给VR Museum of Fine Art,芬恩·辛克莱(Finn Sinclair)使用扫描世界的模型建立的VR体验。各种渲染艺术家一直在创造一些对档案的光荣重新解释,例如Caz Egelie’s playful take on user experiences in the museum of the future and Ratatat throwing sculptures at each other as part of their live show VFX in 2016.


JB: It always depends on how the institution approaches the philosophy of their collection, so the reaction is either fear and loathing or open-arms and general excitement. Many traditional museums have specific approaches to licensing so those who still charge academics ~£100 to access a jpeg are bound to be stunned when they learn that their 3D collections have been covertly scanned, 3D printed and made open access.

Other museums, such as The肯斯特的statens博物馆,,,,Metropolitan Museum of ArtandMusée Saint-Raymond正在拥抱OpenGlam(开放画廊,图书馆,档案和博物馆)运动,打开数据以拥抱和激发数字一代,以分享对文化的共同知识和重新解释。这些机构发现,更多的受众与他们的收藏品一起参与了各种各样的脚步。只是时间问题,更多的机构将效仿,扫描世界是一项免费服务,可以在3D技术和数字策略的各个方面提供支持。

3DPI: What are some of your favourite scans from the first 10,000 and why?

JB: Everyone’s favouriteBust of Nefertiti,高精度扫描发布了艺术家Nora Al Badri和Jan Nikolai Nelles的开源。这个故事已成为数字时代对象所有权的决定性时刻。

我有一定的亲和力一个胡须男人的半身像,,,,a sculpture by Augustin Pajou, who sits in a quiet nook in the New Europe Galleries at The V&A. Since being released into the open it has become an iconic part of the collection. With nearly 7,000 downloads,胡子is seemingly very popular in the 3D printing community.

胜利拱门,在帕尔米拉(Palmyra)被人类冲突摧毁的罗马装饰拱门,在世界各地重建,捏造和巡回演出。当它在特拉法加广场(Trafalgar Square)揭幕时,知道该项目背后的组织无意分享模型,我们自己扫描并分享了该模型。

3DPI: Have you been surprised by how the project has developed? How has it changed from your original vision?


I was certainly not expecting to have produced so many models, nor that Scan the World would become the thriving platform that it has become today.


简森-巴顿:虽然我们刚打了我们一个重要里程碑ave no plans of slowing down and it’s already evident that 2018 is shaping up to be a successful year. I will be touring different institutions over the course of the year, working with various departments in digitizing and fabricating their collections, continuing to push for the data to be released as open as possible.




As well as this, because all of the data is accessible I invite any 3D enthusiast to make their own mark on the collection and sharing it with us through the website. The models are all guaranteed 3D printable and are all available on MyMiniFactory’s click-and-print feature, meaning you can print any of the models at the click of a button. Be sure to share your works with us through the website,TwitterorInstagram.


Nominations for the second annual 3D Printing Industry Awards are now open. Let us know if Scan the World is one the most important 3D Scanning projects of the year by在这里提名

有关3D材料的更多信息,订阅我们的免费3D打印行业新闻通讯,,,,follow us onTwitter,,,,and like us onFacebook

Featured image shows the The V&A Scanathon. Photo via Scan the World.