

What an awesome claim:将智能手机转换为3D打印机。自运动以来3月21日在Kickstarter上发射,Olo确实取得了一些高度的成就:仅仅三分钟内,$ 30K,30分钟内$ 80K,仅在6天内$ 100万美元!


It has then somewhat plateaued (still growing, yet slower) as one would expect, this is possibly due to some recent controversy regarding questions about the whole campaign being too good to be true. As Angus Deveson puts it in Maker’s Muse’s video below:

  • 广告系列中显示的一些物体看起来是激光切割而不是3D打印,更不用说在Olo本身上
  • 努力寻找项目背后的人的名字,以及他们的真实身份
  • 该项目注册的地址实际上仅是一个邮政信箱
  • 图片和视频非常专业,又太漂亮了
  • why are the likes and dislikes disabled on some Youtube videos showing the product in action
  • etc…


However, 15,494 believers in the product have supported the campaign so far with a sound $2,220,197 (at the time of writing), already surpassing 3 previous very famous 3D printing campaigns:

Now the next one to beat is 3Doodler again, but这first campaign back in 2013: $2,344,135 from 26,457 backers. It’s just a little over $100,000 ahead, and with 2 days remaining its going to be tight, you can do it, OLO!

M3D -Tiko-表格1

就是这样,因为他们不太可能设法筹集进一步的60万美元以超越的$ 60万美元Form 1 SLA printer($2,945,885 in 2012) and小三角洲蒂科(2015年$ 2,950,874),更不用说M3D,有史以来最成功的3D打印Kickstarter广告系列2014年5月,来自11,855名支持者的3,401,361美元。

所以你怎么看?值得betting $99 on itand seeing what happens? Or wait until it reaches production and buy it for $129? Let us know your views in the comments below.

(请注意Solido 3D无效:他在看Solido3d.com他应该看的地方www.solido3d.it- 感谢Dejan指出,发现了)

(more on Angus Devesonhereandhere