
Makefast Workshop unlocks recipe to 3D print extreme overhangs without supports

弹簧的集合展示了一个新的FFF黑客攻击到3D PRINT Extreme悬垂,而无需使用任何支撑。

The technique has been developed byMakefast Workshop, a prototype and design bureau based in Dealware, Ohio.

此外,Makefast团队创建了一个G-code generator对于弹簧,向任何人开放实验。


As pointed out by the team at Makefast, midair 3D printing has been achieved before in a handful of experiments: either one offs, or in research labs. Most recently, for example, theUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaigndeveloped a hypnotizing technique for3D printing sugar sculptures在半空中。尽管此类发展可能在实验实验室环境中具有很大的潜力,但Makefast Workshop寻求一种方法,可以使制造商有机会在家中尝试这种技术。

当团队以相应的方式写Hackblog post, “Have you ever noticed that at the end of a print there’s sometimes a small thread of plastic that seems to follow the exact path of the extruder after it finishes printing? This is often caused by a little extra filament continuing to flow/ooze as the print head pulls away. The plastic is thin enough to cool as it moves, tracing out the path in midair,”


How to 3D print extreme overhangs






表现出空中3D印刷线圈。通过Makefast Workshop的图像
表现出空中3D印刷线圈。通过Makefast Workshop的图像

What does this mean for 3D printers?

The overall vision for this experiment is to develop some kind of method that makes 3D printing overhangs less dependent on angles and support structures.

As the team state, “Imagine a long overhang being accomplished by momentarily slowing down a print and snaking a strand of filament away from a part and then back. Making a set of these loops could then be used as a shelf to build up subsequent layers without requiring support underneath.”

Improvements to desktop FFF systems have been made before by experimenting with slicing and g-code. One example includes thevariable layer heightsetting introduced byPrusa Research与SLIC3R版本。通过添加此功能,它可以实现更平滑的印刷品,而无需完全牺牲打印时间。

虽然当前未通过切片软件提供空中设置,但Makefast Workshopcustom g-code generatoris certainly a good place to start for anyone looking to give this technique a try.

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特色图片显示不同形状的弹簧3D未打印而无需支撑。通过Makefast Workshop的照片