
Youtuber 3D prints car that ‘breaks laws of physics’ to clarify decade-long debate


从那时起,“比风快”或“ DWFTTW”辩论在互联网和学术界都进行了,有些人得出结论是虚幻的其他人提出理论来验证结果。YouTuber和Veritasium的主持人德里克·穆勒(Derek Muller),甚至已经下注了10,000美元的赌注加州大学洛杉矶分校亚历克斯·库森科(Alex Kusenko)教授,他可以最终证明DWFTTW可能。



由Rick Cavallaro建造,作为现已失去的Sportvision Inc的首席科学家,“薄空设计”风能概念车最初是为了证明他的计算是否正确地证明了DWFTTW是可能的。卡瓦拉罗(Cavallaro)的说法最初是持怀疑态度的,因此他得到了风力涡轮机公司Joby Energy以及Google的支持,以制作原型。

An initial version playfully known as the Big Ugly F***ing Cart or ‘BUFC,’ managed to achieve speeds greater than the down wind speed, at a lakebed in Nevada during March 2010, thus Cavallaro and his team set about building a definitive testing model called the ‘Blackbird,’ which reached a top speed in later tests of more than 2.85 times faster than the wind blowing at the time (13.5 mph).


Muller’s $10,000 gambit


Compared to its wheels, the concept car’s propeller is also considerably higher, and given that wind usually travels faster at lower altitudes, this could create an inconsistency that causes a similar effect. Add to this, the fact that post-analyses are often carried out on treadmills using hand-deployed replicas, and data analysis has left open the possibility of ‘infinite speed,’ and Kusenko may have a point.

为了证明Kusenko错误,Muller上个月(在Bill Nye和Neil Degrasse Tyson的面前)大胆地打赌他,他可以证明DWFTTW可能是可能的。根据穆勒的说法,黑鸟的“泰塔莱斯”表明,车辆的每个部分都以相同的速度移动,揭露了库森科的“突然阵风”想法。

在他的病毒反应期间,穆勒还使用滑轮系统来证明一个物体如何移动的速度比推动它的速度更快,然后才与YouTuber同伴一起工作Xyla Foxlin到3D打印跑步机测试模型。类似黑鸟的复制品能够比风的速度更快地“加速”,最终,Kusenko承认了赌注,分叉了10,000美元。

Despite this, Integza now thinks that he can do better, and has recently released a new video, explaining DWFTTW in a less convoluted way, without the equations explained by Muller during his rebuttal, using a 3D printed model of his own.


在他的视频中,Integza很大程度上comes to the same conclusion as Muller, albeit with the aid of a simulation model, produced using anElegoo Mars Pro23D printer. Featuring a gear-driven propeller system similar to that found on the Blackbird, the Youtuber’s simple-yet-efficient design has allowed him to replicate the ‘rotating-sail’ concept which drove the original.

在他的第一个设计失败的初始测试之后,Integza发现音高对于汽车的性能至关重要,而3D打印了一个新的类似泡沫的螺旋桨,可以手动调整这一点。经过修订的概念被证明能够以6.7 km/h的速度DWFTTW,并且由于其基本设计,该车辆清楚地表明了风的相对速度如何使叶片的相对速度使其能够“比风更快地行驶”。

In his video, Integza also goes on to use his model to demonstrate that drag and wind resistance eventually prevent the car from accelerating, thus it cannot accelerate forever or travel at ‘infinite speed.’ As a result, the Youtuber’s video provides a simplified explanation of how it’s possible to outrun the wind, illustrated via an easy-to-build and accessible 3D printed model.


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Featured image shows Youtuber Integza’s 3D printed model of the Blackbird. Image via Integza, Thingiverse.