3D Printing

MakerBot更新带有Makerware 1.1和MakerBot固件7.0的3D打印机软件

Makerbot已发布Makerware 1.1和MakerBot固件7.0!这些升级带来了许多新功能,亮点包括改进印刷质量以及更大的自动化,更容易的处理和整体改进的体验。

The Makerware 1.1 upgrade sees significant improvements to MakerBot Slicer (formerly known as “Miracle Grue”) that enhances print quality on low and medium settings with higher accuracy and faster slicing. Furthermore, slicing profiles for Skeinforge and MakerBot Slicer are now fully editable. Also, users can now automatically arrange and optimise a cluttered build plate using the Auto Layout option.

MakerBot Firmware 7.0 reportedly brings with it greatly improved acceleration, using contributions from our rockstar community members,JettyandDnewman,为了允许更平滑的动作,高尾部打印质量和更安静的机器。但是,Makerbot确实强调固件7.0使用new file format — X3G- 用于从SD卡打印。用户可以从Makerware 1.1或ReplicatorG 40。ButX3G files are NOT compatible with firmware earlier than 7.0

To get up to date with these upgrades, users are advised to download the latest version of MakerWare before attempting to install new Firmware.


有关此主题的更多信息 Makerbot在CES 2013上占据了中心地位