
Mighty Buildings提供了世界上第一个3D印刷零净能源房屋

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Assembled from a set of 3D printed prefab panels, the two-bed, two-bath home is set to be the first in a community of at least 40 housing units, at a site in Southern California. As well as completing the structure, which produces as much energy as it consumes, the firm has now unveiled plans to expand its B2B offering, as a means of delivering eco-friendly homes at a wider scale.



Mighty Buildings的第一个3D印刷净零能源房屋。通过强大的建筑物照片。
Mighty Buildings的第一个3D印刷净零能源房屋。通过强大的建筑物照片。


虽然强大的建筑物的3D打印技术has been under development since 2017, the firm itself didn’t leave stealth mode until two years ago. Since then,Mighty Buildings的1亿美元资金驱动器为其提供了继续建立其配件住宅单元(ADU)的投资组合,并扩展其生产能力。

据说第一个获得UL 3401安全certification, the firm’s technology revolves around a proprietary lightweight material and extrusion technique. The former is designed to harden almost immediately after post-curing, while still maintaining cohesion with its underlying layers, in a way that enables the creation of overhang structures like ceilings without supports.

Using this process, Mighty Buildings manufactures panels that can be slotted together to enable the rapid construction of housing, and it has already unveiled plans to3D打印一个十五个社区在Coachella Valley附近的一个地点。

In terms of sustainability, the company has long heralded the benefits of its technology in the creation of eco-friendly homes. Mighty Buildings has put its products through a full life cycle assessment (LCA) to ensure it has cut waste from every possible angle, and it has set itself the lofty goal of delivering carbon-negative construction by 2028.

Mighty Buildings的第一个3D印刷净零能源房屋的内部。通过强大的建筑物照片。
Mighty Buildings的第一个3D印刷净零能源房屋的内部。通过强大的建筑物照片。


Mighty Buildings的首先是一个零净能量3D印刷房屋的整个社区,旨在至少产生比使用的能量(如果不是更多)。构建本身是使用公司的Mighty Kit System这本质上是一组预制,绝缘,钢制框架增强的复合石板,可以由一些机组人员组装成成熟的建筑物。

As these walls are made from 60% recycled material, Mighty Buildings says they require less material per square footage, and generate as much as 99% less waste than traditionally-built housing. The company also claims that using its ready-to-assemble kits, it’s possible to build homes in less than half the time, while helping minimize any reliance on potentially fragile construction supply chains.

在成功建造了其第一个零净能源房屋之后,Mighty Buildings宣布了其“专注于与开发商的联合项目”的战略的扩展。实际上,该公司表示,这将使其B2B的运营增长,以“授权住房开发商大规模建立可持续房屋的社区”。

“我们很高兴成为世界上第一家完成我们认为将来成为可持续住房标准的公司。”“有史以来建造的第一个3D打印的ZNE Home是多年的研发过程的结果,包括创建专有的,认证的建筑技术和混凝土的革命性替代品,可提供较大的导热率。”


Azure 3D打印的“虹膜” adu。通过Azure印刷房屋的图像。
由回收塑料打印的Azure印刷房屋“ Iris” ADU 3D。通过Azure印刷房屋的图像。

Material advances in construction AM

传统上,构造3D打印涉及将巨型喷嘴逐层的材料沉积到结构中,并且该过程的可持续性在很大程度上围绕着原料所用。天蓝色印刷房屋, which3D印刷品来自再生塑料的外壳,最近由Reinhabit建造十个环保房屋。

研究人员弗吉尼亚大学(UVA)与此同时,已经开发了一种3D打印碳捕集建筑物from living soils. Through the layer-by-layer extrusion of a novel seed-impregnated soil-based ‘ink,’ the UVA team’s approach enables the creation of self-supporting structures that facilitate the growth of carbon-absorbing plants.

同样,工程师在德黑兰大学已经提出了一种新颖的混凝土配方,证明了如何3D打印房屋提高能源效率。In a simulated build, the team found their magnesium oxide-based material could dramatically reduce the amount of CO2 emissions created during its construction.




特色图像显示Mighty Buildings的第一个3D印刷净零能源房屋。通过强大的建筑物照片。