3DP Applications




According to NASA; “we will develop concept designs for space systems that will use the SpiderFab process to create and integrate very large apertures and other structures for NASA space science and exploration missions. We will develop an architecture concept combining the SpiderFab process with robotic assembly technologies and automated quality control/metrology techniques to enable in-orbit construction of kilometre-scale antenna apertures to enable capabilities such as high-bandwidth communications with deep-space probes and radar imaging of deep-space objects. We will then evaluate the potential performance benefits for candidate missions relative to state-of-the-art deployable technologies.”

The foundation of this 3D printing process is based on fused deposition modeling (FDM) with methods derived from automated composite layup to enable rapid construction of very large, very high strength per mass, lattice-like structures combining both compressive and tensile elements. The project is funded by NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts program with a $100,000 grant and additional research and testing is being done to determine the costs and benefits of the project.

Spiderfab 3D打印