3D Printing

雷神Missile Systems gets defense contract

雷神电导弹系统公司。雷神已经previously incorporated 3D printing into their missile designs, which is what the contract is for. The DoD wants 47 SM-3 Block IB missiles fabricated, tested and delivered for fiscal 2016. This is the first of three one year options with a quantity of up to 52 per option year. The work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona; and Huntsville, Alabama, with an expected completion date of Sept. 30, 2021.



雷神工程师杰里米·丹佛斯(Jeremy Danforth)说:“您可能会在现场将它们放在现场上。”“机器制造机器。用户可以[按需打印]。那就是愿景。”



马萨诸塞州雷神大学洛厄尔研究所的工程师正在开发打印复杂的电子电路和微波组件的方法 - 雷神物爱国者空气和导弹防御系统等产品中使用的复杂雷达的基础。当前构建微观电路的方法涉及去除材料以创建电路路径。相比之下,3-D打印仅放下构建电子通路所需的材料。

“The word ‘printing’ implies lower cost,” said Chris McCarroll, Raytheon director for the institute. “It’s添加剂manufacturing. When we make integrated circuits [now], it’s all subtractive. We put down very expensive materials and wash away everything we don’t need.”

The Department of Defense is对3D打印的好处并不陌生. With the US Marines learning how todesign and print any product when it is needed,除了美国海军打印过时和昂贵的零件外,他们已经发现了添加剂制造的无限潜力。雷电竞充值

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