
Scientists use 3D printing to support regeneration of damaged nerves

Scientists in the Tissue Engineering Research Group at theUniversity of Saskatchewan, Canada, have made progress in the treatment of damaged peripheral nerves using 3D printing. Their findings showed that 3D printed tissue scaffolds could be used to repair, or regenerate damaged nerves connecting the spine and the brain to the rest of the body.

Peripheral nerve trauma

The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is a network of nerves connecting the central nervous system to the entire human body. Damage to the PNS is among one of the most common forms of nerve trauma. Roughly2000万美国人遭受周围神经损伤, and up to 70% of diabetic patients have some nerve damage.



Bioprinted tissue scaffolds



该图显示了从第一步到最后一步的组织支架的创建。图片通过IOP Publishing Ltd
该图显示了从第一步到最后一步的组织支架的创建。图片通过IOP Publishing Ltd

Using this material, the researchers employed an elaborate 3D bioprinting process to improve the quality of cell scaffold production. First, tissue scaffolds were 3D printed via extrusion using an EnvisionTEC Bioplotter, EnvisionTEC. Subsequently, the scaffolds were submerged for crosslinking and solidification of the hydrogel ingredients.

The scaffolds produced in this research proved to be mechanically more stable than the scaffold printed with previous hydrogel materials available and showed greater cell viability.


为了证明材料和方法对于神经生长是可行的,研究人员将Schwann细胞添加到了3D生物打印的支架中。Schwann细胞是外周神经系统中的任何细胞axonal regeneration。轴突是一种薄,长,螺纹状的神经,信息以电脉冲的形式传播到神经元,肌肉和腺体。如果神经受损,雪旺细胞会促进轴突的修复和恢复。


The image shows the result of encapsulating the Schwann cells in the bioprinted tissue scaffold. Image via IOP Publishing Ltd
The image shows the result of encapsulating the Schwann cells in the bioprinted tissue scaffold. Image via IOP Publishing Ltd

3D打印细胞和brain disease

在生物医学或神经科学领域,使用3D打印技术并不新鲜。3D打印细胞已经开发出可以在心脏病发作造成的伤害后恢复心脏健康的开发。3D生物打印也创造了一个机会,以更好地了解causes of brain disease

本文讨论的研究在线发表在线生物制造journal, in a paper titled “3D生物打印脚手架用活的雪旺细胞用于潜在神经组织工程应用。” It is co-authored by Liqun Ning, Haoying Sun, Tiphanie Lelong, Romain Guilloteau, Ning Zhu, David J Schreyer and Xiongbiao Chen.

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特色图显示了人类中枢神经系统。通过Pathlabs Ltd的照片