3D Software

剪裁launches metal binder jetting simulation tool for Simufact Additive

仿真软件开发人员剪裁has announced the launch of a simulation tool for the metal binder jetting 3D printing process for its剪裁Additiveprogram.

该软件的用户将能够预测和预防 - 在设计阶段 - 经常用于后处理的烧结效果可能会在粘合剂喷射零件上具有。新功能最终旨在使制造商能够在其现有机器上实现工业级零件质量。

Simufact产品管理高级总监Gabriel McBain博士指出:“我们很高兴向市场引入第一个模拟金属粘合剂喷射烧结过程的解决方案,以便制造商可以利用这一重要的新方法。我们知道客户将金属粘合剂喷射视为制造业的关键技术,尤其是在需要在汽车行业等大量销量下生产复杂的零件的情况下。”

The three phases of geometric optimization in the Simufact Additive program. Image via Simufact
The three phases of geometric optimization in the Simufact Additive program. Image via Simufact.

How does metal binder jetting work?



但是,从建筑室中刚出来的零件通常需要大量的后处理,因为它们处于“绿色状态”,这意味着它们特别脆弱。烧结可以用作增加这些部分密度并改善其机械性能的后处理步骤。问题:烧结可能会导致一部分收缩多达35% - 需要在设计阶段将这种失真置于缩放尺寸的情况下。




作为顶部的樱桃,型号设置和仿真阶段是完全自动化的,可以进一步定制Pythonscripts. As a final validation stage for the compensation, the optimized geometries can be immediately compared to both the initial STLs and a metrology scan of a manufactured part within the UI of the program.

The translucent grey outline shows the degree of shrinkage expected in the sintering process. Image via Simufact.
The translucent grey outline shows the degree of shrinkage expected in the sintering process. Image via Simufact.

预测性和仿真工具在降低成本和缩短新颖零件上市的时间非常有用。工程公司etteplanrecently developed a new, free online tool to计算3D打印的生产成本– AMOTool. The software program enables companies to computationally calculate the costs associated with manufacturing an object using a well-established metal 3D printing method, before any production has even taken place.

Taking a deep learning approach, geometric ML specialist物理recently launched what it is calling theworld’s most powerful geometric search engine– Thangs. Instead of scanning for text or images, Thangs uses deep learning algorithms to index 3D models based on the polygons, or triangles, that make up their volumes. The engine also provides version control functionality and ‘compatible part predictions’ for the 3D community.

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Featured image shows the three phases of geometric optimization in the Simufact Additive program. Image via Simufact.

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